Back Blast – 8/30 The Extender at The Mutt

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There’s no place like home! It was great to be back at the Mutt on Thursday. I’ve had a blast touring different AOs over the past two months, and while I’ve popped over to the Mutt a few times during that stretch, I knew that this time I’d be back for a while. It was great catching up with guys I hadn’t seen lately and seeing some newer PAX posting as well.

PAX: Waterboy, Yogi, Tiger, Hamm, Pepperoni, Blueprint, DiGiorno, Pyle, Pink Panther, PED, Cowbell, Wham-O, Sump Pump, Mary Poppins, Beano, Grinder (Q)

I pulled into the lot with less than a minute to spare, thinking I was on Tiger time.  Nope, I still had him beat by two minutes.  Disclaimers were given and we moseyed around the school (staying to the left to give Tiger room to pull in).  We finished our mosey in the big parking lot and circled up for COP: Downward Dog, SSHs, Hillbillies, Grass Grabbers, and two new(for me) exercises – Breakdancers and Knee-tuck Merkins.  Next we counted off by 2’s and formed two lines for running.  We headed down Leland to St. Matthews Ave., stopping at every lamppost for five Knee-tuck Merkins. At St. Matthews, we switched it up and did a Scout Run all the way back to the school to the coupons. Each PAX grabbed a coupon and we headed back up to the small lot.

For our next thang we partnered up, and while partner one did a Farmer carry of two coupons across the parking lot and back, partner two did BLIMPS. We weren’t shooting for a specific number of reps, just you-against-you AMRAP until each partner had done two sets of each exercise.  We had more time than I anticipated after this thang, so we stayed with our partners and while partner one did a hodgepodge of Ab and Core exercises, partner two ran (AYG) across the parking lot and back. I’m sure I’ll forget something, but I know we did sets of Breakdancers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Box Cutters, V-Ups, and Freddie Mercury’s.

With time running out, we returned the coupons and circled up. We voiced intentions for all those on our mind and I thanked all the PAX for coming out. It was a great morning, full of fellowship, and we left excited and ready for the day ahead.

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