9/20 Agony BB

PAX: Retainer QIC, Gilligan, Aerobie (R), Red Wagon, Carmen, Meter Maid, Training Wheels, Porkchop, Bulletin (R), Alexa, Big Bird, Wildflower, Amelia, Cowboy, Mama’s Boy, Airplane, Cochran, Valdez, Abacus, Fun Guy, Catfish, Force Close (R), Viking, and Soccer Mom.

Conditions: All of the humidity.

Mosey, then COP: 50 SSH, 20 IW, 20 GG, 15 Full Metal Jacket Burpees.

Circle of Merkin: 10 plank jacks, 10 mountain climbers, 10 Peter Parkers, 15 hand release merkins.

Partner up.

Thang 1: Bear crawl for 5 parking spaces, lunge for 5 spaces to get to the coupons.

Thang 2: Partner up. Partner 1 works the jump rope. Partner 2 does a coupon honey pot bear crawl up the hill with the right arm on coupon. Switch. Then Partner does 2 does a coupon honey pot bear crawl up the hill with the left arm on coupon. Switch. then Partner 2 does a lunge walk up the hill while curling. Switch. Then Partner 2 does a lunge walk up the hill while doing over head presses. Switch.

Thang 3: Bear crawl for 5 parking spaces, lunge for 5 spaces to get back to the flag.

Thang 4: 100 yard sprints, all you got, x 2.

Thang 5: Jack Webb. First time I Q’d a Jack Webb. Woof.

Ended with 20 BBS for fun.

Numberrama, NOR, COT. Prayers for Abacus’s M, Vince, the 4-year-old’s family in Lexington, the Albright family, and Soccer Mom who had a nasty sprain during Thang 2. Closed with the Our Father.

Thanks for having me, fellas. Retainer out.

Published by James

Louisville father, lawyer, and runner.

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