BackBlast: BoW Nov. 13th – Catch me if you can!

HIMs:  Wham, Ponzi, Violet, Gillispie, Red Roof, Star Child, Captain Insane-O, Zartan, Scuba Steve and Flo Jo!

Pre-blast asked if you were in need of motivation, or perhaps looking for some competition.  Well, this was the post for you!  We moseyed around the tennis courts, and on to the main court for a quick warm up (Grass Grabbers, Imperial Walkers, SSH’s, Copper Head Squats – all IC x 15), then some Kinder Newmans to allow some time to explain the thang:

Split into two teams, and head to opposite corners of the four tennis courts.  Each team lined up along the baseline, with each main representing an exercise.  From middle of the court to sideline:  BearCrawl/CrawlBear to the nets and back, Overhead Press with Coupon, Squats, Merkins, Runner.

Everyone ready?  3…2…1…GO.  Runner position takes off, running a full lap around all four tennis courts before tagging in the next runner, both corners start at the same time.  Goal is to never get caught by the other team.  If you get caught, all stop and team that got caught owes 5 man makers to start (then counting up each time someone is caught).  33 minutes of this while listening to a killer playlist (if I don’t say so myself):

Cochise by Audioslave

The Kill by Thirty Seconds to Mars

Cult of Personality by Living Colour

Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry

Kill Your Heroes by Awolnation

In the Dark by Reignwolf

High Hopes by Panic at the Disco

All these things that I’ve Done by The Killers

30 minutes went by, no one was caught.  So, we brought it in for a quick adjustment.  a 2-1 Big Boys to Man Makers.  Partner 1 did 5  Man Makers while partner 2 did 10 Big Boys, switch.  Then 4 Man Makers to 8 Big Boys, switch.  3 to 6….you get the idea.

Perfect song came on next, I told everyone to enjoy this part of the workout while listening to some good porn star dancing music.  Zartan immediately commented that is exactly what it sounds like (wonder what he does on the weekends), “What is this” he asked.  It was Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days – good beat down jam!

On to CoT to catch our breath.  Will revisit this again, might have to make it two laps so people get caught next time.  Don’t miss it!

Flo Jo

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