1/12/2018 The Hurt @ The Mutt

AAE99AE4-FCA0-496B-8CA8-1D4D4719C5A9.jpegPax: Digiorno, Cardinal, Fridge, Pope, Pepperoni, Tiger, SumpPump, Geppetto, WhamO, Blueprint, Glen Ross Q

Conditions: Snow covered mutt, but not too cold

Snow Q—the short version:

Watching the weather the night before I was excited to see what type of snow activities I could mix into the weinke, but still wanted to try and keep the pax mostly dry (see OJ’s backblast for the ruiner).  Started right at 7, no FNGs, disclaimer and mosey to the covered portico.  My idea was to mix in some back stretches that I’ve been working on and it seems that we are losing some of the guys with back issues so why not give it a try. Well, didn’t go as planned but provided some good mumblechatter for 5 minutes.  Next time, we are just going to start with 5 minutes of burpees

Next line up for Soviet Prisoner Run—it’s just a prisoner run in the snow.  We made our way up Brookefield and then back down Leland. Stopped 5 times for 7 Soviet Prisoner Jump Squats.

Thang 1. Everyone grab 2 coupons and drop off each at the end of the portico—probably 40 yards apart.

At first stop (end of the portico) 25 curls, then lunge walk to the coupons (at the other end) for 25 bench press.  In between each rep we cooled down with 60 second elbow plank.  Then one lap around the school for next set. Increased it up to 50 reps, then planked, then lunged walked to 50 bench and then 60 second plank—and then another lap. We finished one more set, but closed with 25 reps—repeato with everything else.

Staying in the same spot we subbed out the curls and bench press for big boys and gas pumps.  We did 2 cycles of this—with laps around the school.  Overall, we logged over 3 miles for the day

Short on time, we put up the coupons and made our way over to snake hill for 10 minutes of fun in the snow.  Next, we would run up the hill, do 5 burpees, then run back down or slide back down.  The first ones down would throw snowballs at the others still coming back down.  This was fun—we did it 3 times and moseyed back over to the flag.  With 2 minutes left, we finished w/ 10 Bobby Wagners and called it a day

Ended with COT–This was a fun one.  Doesn’t snow that often and not many chances to Q one in the snow either.  Thanks to the guys that got up to play in the snow with me



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