BackBlast 1/30/19 The Bridge @ Posh – Fungi Q

Over the last 2 weeks, I had to bail on some Qs due to an unexpected work trip and bad scheduling on my party.  To return the favor, I picked up the Q today at Posh for Airplane.

After watching the news and weather forecasts, I was admittedly a little nervous  about leading a workout, not being a “professional” and all in these conditions.  The County boys basically told me to put my big boy panties on and just keep everyone moving and it would be fine.  Ok…let’s do it!

When I accepted the Q, I had what a I thought was a good Plan A for a Posh workout.  Weather creeps in… no problem, let’s go Plan B.   Wake-up this morning…snow?!? WTF!? Governor Bevin said there wasn’t going to be snow.  Dang, gotta come up with Plan C.

Traffic was a little worse than planned, but by the time COP was finishing up, we had 11 PAX.

Shoutout to the FNG who’s first post was today!  Good work on the headlock Stormtrooper!


Mama’s Boy


Deep Dish





Polar Pop (FNG – Shane Woodcock)

Dry Rub

Fungi – Q

Disclaimer – I made sure to get some “AYEs” to my not being a professional, to being out on your own free will, and that the PAX should modify as necessary!


25 SSH

20 Grass…err…snow grabbers

Kendra Newmans

THANG 1  – Around the Clock (Actually there was only 1 THANG)

15 – Merkins

30 – Big Boys

45 – Squats

60 – Overhead presses (with Dumbbells as you wish)

2 laps around the parking lot

Rinse and Repeat

I think most people did ~5 sets. I think Valdez and StormTrooper lapped me twice.



Intentions – DD & those who’ve ended up in the cold and need something warm in their life today.

Our Father.

Stay Warm PAX and Thanks for the Support!

-Fungisnow q


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