2/8/19 Pleasantville Back Blast

There’s an old saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute and it will change.”  The past few days have been down right weird weather-wise.  From seasonably warm weather to the Polar Vortex, followed by great golfing weather, back to cold, back to warm with storms and now back to below freezing with single digit wind chills all in the span of less than two weeks.  So my advice to you if you’re trying to schedule your Q based upon the forecast.  DON’T!!  Just get on the schedule at take whatever the Sky Q gives you.

On this chilly and windy Friday morning I was hoping for a large crowd but wasn’t expecting it.

PAX: Grinder, Cowboy, Viking, Pork Chop, Fergie, Plumb Bob (Q)

For my first Q at Pleasantville I wanted to do something a little different without getting too crazy.  We mosied over to the marketplace area to block some of the wind until we got good and warm. COP: 25 SSH, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Grass Grabbers, Kendra Newmans, Downward Dog, and Cobra.  Next we mosied to the walking path area.

THANG 1:  For those that haven’t been there, there is a path that forms a loop with a few paths that lead in to the interior of the loop.  We did a Native American Run and I let the Pax determine our path.  Whenever we got to an intersection whoever was in the lead could determine which way we went.  It was no set distance.  I was planning about a 15 jog or until I sensed everyone had had enough running.  It lasted about 15 minutes as planned.  Next we headed over to the amphitheater.

THANG 2: Partner up for some Modified Dora: 100 Merkins, 150 Big Boys, 200 Dips, 250 American Hammers, 300 Squats.  P2 box jumped up each level of the amphitheater seating, did 10 Plank Jacks at the top, and ran down to the bottom to switch places.

At 6:15 we circled up for a few announcements and COT.

Thanks to the HIMs that braved the cold and wind today.  We truly are a group of badasses!

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