BB: Leg day @ bayside 02/14

I can’t believe I forgot count o rama and name o rama.  My bad fellas

Q: Glauc

PAX: Fanny Pack, Shuttlecock, Gilly, Charlois, Sadie, Birdie

Wanted to see what I could string together that involved no/very minimal upper body..

mosey to cop

20 SSH (IC), plank stretching, 12 Hillbilly walkers (IC), plank stretching, 20 SSH (IC)

Waterfall Saturday nights.  10 count saturday nights, hold up on the count 9,8,7,6…..1,  9 saturday nights, hold up on the count… you get the picture.  I hope no one was watching with a video camera.


Thang 1: “Soul on Fire”  SSH the entire song, burpee every “soul on fire”   bluetooth speaker lost power 😦  had to finish with 10 ssh then 2 burpees..(x 3)

Thang 2: Split into two groups  Group 1 did and exercise (AMRAP of that exercise until group two returned), group two moseyed around the circle.. probaby about a 200 yard mosey..

exercise 1 : copper head squats ( repeated twice)

exercise 2: calf raises (repeated twice)

exercise 3: curtsey lunge / one side (other time repeated the other leg)

exercise 4: mexican jumping bean squats (only did x 1 )

As a group we did a mosey with 3 AYG intervals around the parking lot  to get the heart rate up..

Thang 3: to song “child of god ” 4 min.  lunge walk  (about 10 yards), do 5 mexican jumping bean squats , lunge walk back, 10 anton ono’s.  repeat the entire song.

Another strong mosey about 100 yards up and back

finish with ab o rama (all single count)  20 legs on ground lbc, 20 lbc, 20 right leg up lbc, 20 left leg up lbc, 20 big marge lbc, 50 full lbc, 50 reverse lbc,  donezo

It was a great morning. weather was perfect.  thankful for you fine HIMS

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