03.07.2019. BB. Pre Sump Pump 1 Year F3Versary Ruck.

When: 0430

Where: The MUTT

PAX: Plumb Bob, Snow Man, Miyagi

3 PAX members met up early for a little pre ruck. We went a solid 3 miles in the 45-55 minutes that we were out. We had some great conversation, especially about 9/11/2001. It was interesting hearing the different perspectives of the day, including a story YHC shared about a good friend who was living in Harlem on that day.

As we rucked through the neighborhood YHC pointed out some of the homes of our F3 brothers, and it quickly became clear on why The Mutt doesn’t travel. We all live a block or two away. Big respect to the HIMs who wake up extra early to make it out to different AOs, or AOs away from your neighborhood.

Wit that being said, the Double Down Challenge is still in the works. Get out to a different AO. Meet some new members of the PAX that you may only know via Slack or reputation. F3 is about getting out of your comfort zone. So, get up. Get out. Get better.

Till next time.


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