Back Blast – North Posh – 4/8/19 – Run Mode

A few of these back blasts from last week and the week before got away from me so my apologies for my tardiness. Nevertheless, here it is. A week after the Nino beatdown on Death Hill, I decided to bring back Run Mode and help the PAX sweat out all the Spring Break toxins. I wasn’t sure what the numbers would look like but was pleased to see 9 PAX in attendance:


Nice and Slow

Pork Chop



Le Pew

Sweet Tart



The workout was setup to keep the PAX moving the entire time with intermittent stops for exercises. Here is what we did:

Started off with a 1 mile Mosey – down to the gazebo, across the pond, back up the hill and down the front hill to Shelbyville then back up the parking lot. Once at the parking lot, we completed a standard warm-up: 25 x SSH, 25 x Mountain Climbers, Downward Dog, 20 Merkins Single Count

Long Mosey down to the pit, back up “beg for forgiveness” hill and back to the parking lot. Once we arrived at the parking lot we circled up for a 10 count plank/descending 10 count Merkin Ladder – holding a 10 second plank during each set of descending Merkins.

Repeat 1st lap of running and then back to the parking lot. Once back at the parking lot we completed a Bobby Hurley Ladder – holding a squat for 10 seconds between performing sets of descending count Bobby Hurley’s.

This took us right to 6:15. We circled up for intentions and announcements. Spring Convergence, Passion Ruck on Friday, Travis Manion Pre-ruck before convergence.

It was a good day to be out there. Fortunate to share the morning with friends.


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