BB 4:27. The Max @ bayside

I was anticipating a different crowd this sat am and had my mind set of the same sorta workout I did on the 14th… Well, we sorta had the same people just plus 1. (Fanny)

Q Glauc.   PAX: Shuttlecock, Charlois, Fanny Pack

A different mosey around the outside of the football field. back to coupons for COT

SSH (20IC),  Hillbilly walkers (12 IC), Cherry pickers R & L (10 IC), SSH (20IC), Plank Stretching into twerkins

Thang one:

1:4 ratio of curls (with big boy coupon) to Mountain Climbers.  1:4  to 10:40

Mosey about 150 yards..

Slow Shoulder Taps (40  IC)

Mosey Back

30 sec interval work:  Repeated the sequence 2 x    1) merkins  2) supermans 3) merkin rows 4) merkin rows (other side) 5) unilateral leg squats 6) unilateral leg squats (other leg)

Mosey 150 yards

Slow Shoulder Taps (40 IC)

Mosey back

  1. 10:40 ratio.. Manmakers (10) Moutain climbers  (40)
  2. 10:40 ratio.  curls (with coup) (10) Moutain climbers
  3. I had one other thing I did, but forgot..

I do remember it felt great ITG this fine day

Proud to be with you men.

Glauc OUT!

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