Backblast Nuggetversary

Pax: Captain Insano, Diablo, Catfish, Backdraft, Glen Ross, Buschhhhh, Vincent, Violet, Old Bay, Tiger, Tammy Faye Baker, Mad Cow, Plumb Bob, OJ, Scuba Steve, Fall Guy, Nomo, Flo jo, Tureen, Tron, Yogi, Deuce, Zima, Meter Maid, PED

Q: Nugget

Gearlander: Nike Green tights, grey shorts, White dry fit, Adidas no shows, and Mizuno Wave rider on their last legs.

A couple things about this workout. First, YHC had to Omaha due to the lack of coupons, or the huge turnout. Hype machine was in full effect (as Tron pointed out) so I was happy to adjust. Second, I like the timed all you got workouts that promote both competition and camaraderie. Partners and teams motivate me and that’s one thing that F3 has brought in my life.


SSH 15 IC (I generally don’t do these, but we didn’t run so we needed to loosen up a bit. Also, this gives me opportunity to bring up Starchild who, due to injury, could not attend. TBH, without him leading 2 years ago, I wouldn’t still be here. The guy is a born leader and I am glad I had the opportunity to reconnect after seeing him every year or so randomly since high school. Thank you, Star Child, for all you have done for us in F3)

Abe Vigodas IC

Kendra Newmans

I had a lot on my weinke (and we didn’t get to do all of it), so we needed to get started.

Thang 1

Partner up and go against another team for a burpee race

Team one starts doing Burpees with a cumulative goal of 100.

Team 2 does the following

15 squats

10 LBCs


Upon completion of the above, switch and Team 2 begins to do the Burpees. First team to 100 burpees wins. We had 3 on our team, Nomo, Scuba an YHC. And advantage, right? Not against OJ and Violet. Watch out for Violet on the 18th in the decathlon. Needless to say, we lost, but it was close.

Thang 2

A variation on Fight Gone Bad

5 stations, 1 minute then rotate. After 5 minutes one minute of rest for 3 rounds.

Station 1 AMRAP Burpees

Station 2 AMRAP Bobby Hurleys

Station 3 AMRAP Thrusters

Station 4 AMRAP Dips

Station 5 AMRAP Big Boy Sit ups

This can get rough if you are truly pushing. I had planned on doing my normal FGB routine, but without enough coupons, it doesn’t work. Mostly body weight, but I felt it all the same. Some stations were heavy mumble chatter, some silent.

Thang 3

Deteriorating Tabata

I love a good Tabata and this is one of my favorite meats to do it. It’s all about working to failure. Unfortunately, we only had time for one session.

Each pax had to complete 20 Hand Release Merkins each round. And each round would lose 5 seconds starting at 1:00, then :55 and so on. Finish as quickly as possible to rest before the next round.if you fail, start running around the tennis courts. First thing I noticed was Diablo. I was about halfway through round one and he was resting already. (BTW, another O guy, I’m pretty confident in my AO at the A Olympics). After about round 4, runners were on their way. We were at round 7 when the bell rang at 6:15 and Catfish and Diablo were the only remaining Pax doing Merkins. Strong work. The next round was only 20 seconds if that tells you anything.

We moseyed back to the flag.


Announcements made for the May ruck on the 24th, A Olympics, and needs for Qs. Intentions were stated and I took us out with some words. I am humbled that not only did 27 of you HIMs come out to help me celebrate my 2 years, but even more sent messages to congratulate me. You all have improved my life emotionally, and I am extremely grateful for that. I needed this more than any of you all know.

Naked moleskin

I was sick as hell the last few days. I forgot how I felt during that workout, but was reminded when the endorphins were off. Hope it didn’t show during the work out.

Shout out to a guy that has been my beat friend for over 20 years. He is also Seabass’ Godfather. You guys may not know this but he drives for 90 minutes just to post. On top of that, the guy has had 2 shoulder surgeries in the last 2 years. Proud to have him in F3 and proud to call him a friend. You are an inspiration.

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