7/17/19 BB @ The Tank-Coupons and Back Farts-Meatball Q


Sorry for the boring photo of Coupons but it was a much better choice than ‘Back Fart” photo search…

PAX-(10) Geppetto, Drysdale, PK, Johnny On The Pot, Atlas, Tony Malito, Short Hose, Greenwich, Vincent (R), (Q) Meatball

Conditions-75 and 4000% humidity, I guess that’s why it poured.


SSH, Imperial Walkers, Downward Dog Stretches and SLOW Grass Grabbers

The Thang

Long Mosey (1/2 mile) through the dark, scary part of The Vet.  Rumor is an old FNG named Spaghetti is still lost in the woods back there.

Grabbed Coupons and never parted ways with them again

Divided Parking lot into 4 corners

1st Corner- 10 Man-makers

Coupon Run to Corner 2

2nd- 20 Offset Merkins

Prisoner run with Coupon to corner 3

3rd-30 Bicep Curls

Coupon Run to 4th corner

4th-40 Squats

Prisoner Run w/Coupon

Rinse and Repeat

Had enough time to repeat with different exercises

1st Corner-10 Shoulder Circles with Coupon

Prisoner Run or Mosey to each corner

2nd-20 Overhead Press

3rd- 30 Merkins

4th- 40 Calf Raises (20 regular, 20 Pigeon Toed)

Even though the PAX were soaking wet already, I decided to cut them a break for some MARY under the fancy Gazebo.

Each PAX took turns calling out exercises.

The wet shirts on the fellas, made for some interesting noises.  Back Farts were heard throughout J-Town.  According to the prestigious, Urban Dictionary, a “Back Fart is one of several potentially awkward sounds created by the body’s interaction with air, the result of suction from when the Lumbar curve of the back is pressed flat against a smooth surface and then lifted, making a loud fart like sound.” Apparently, Atlas’ Back Farts smelled like the real thing.  Weird!

I’m sorry, I’m 10.

COT-Intentions were brought up and we talked about focusing more on the positives and the blessings we all have in our lives.

Thanks for coming out on a rainy day!


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