7/30/19 #Rooster Backblast #BrotherlyLove


Co-Qs: Noxeema Jackson and Wham!

22 PAX (1 FNG): Wham-O (R); Digiorno; Nugget; Meatball; Sump Pump; Backdraft; Cowbell; PED; Buschhhhhh; Dynomite!; Soft Top; Pepperoni; Larry Flynt; Fridge; Kilo; Geppetto; Tureen; Boom Boom (FNG); Zoolander; Glenn Ross; Wham!; Noxeema Jackson

Time: 0530

Weather: Louisville summer; Humid; 75ish Degrees??

ZooZooLemon Gear Check: Black sleeveless F3 Mudgear shirt; Gray Champion shorts; Black duo dry socks; Salomon Speedcross 3’s; Gray Old English hat (worn L’s up backward style)

So I’ve been doing this F3 thing for a little over 2 years, and during that time, I’ve head locked several guys, but my best headlock to date is my little brother Noxeema Jackson.  I mean the name alone makes it the best headlock ever.  Fun fact:  He got that name because he is a tax attorney.  Makes sense, right?  Coming up with his name was the deepest of dives but I love it and Captain Insane-O should take a bow for it.

Noxeema has been a great addition to F3 Louisville and it allows me to see him more often than I otherwise would, but earlier this year, he stopped posting as regularly as he had been mostly because he was training for the mini-marathon but also because once you stop posting, it’s hard to get back into it, especially when it involves getting up before 5 am.  So, to get him moving again, I suggested earlier this summer that we should do a Co-Q together and he quickly agreed but then I got busy with my life and completely forgot about it.  The good news, however, is that Noxeema did not forget and so he took the initiative to get us signed up for the Rooster Q and I am grateful for it.  That’s the beauty of F3.  There is always someone there to pick you up when you lose focus or get lost in the craziness of life.

Noxeema had the reigns for the first half of the WO so he took us on a warm-up run around the reflection path and then had us all grab coupons and circle up in the parking lot for the following:

– 20 SSHs IC
– Touch Toes Stretch with Coupons
– Slow Up/Down Raises of Coupon Behind Head
– 10 Slow Grass Grabbers
– Body Twists with Coupons (maybe called “Coupon Hugs” or “Glenn’s”?)
–  Downward Dog Achilles Stretches
–  Heel Raises on Coupons

Thang 1
Noxeema then had the Pax partner up with coupons for the following:

Partner 1 runs with coupons to end of the big parking lot, does 10 man makers and then runs back (sans coupon) while Partner 2 does AMRAP curls and then switches.  This continued for way too long with the only change being curls were switched out for coupon thrusters, coupon squats, and coupon chest presses after each partner switch.  We don’t get up for easy, indeed.

Thang 2
Time for big brother to take over.  YHC told the Pax to stay with their partners for more coupon work mixed in with some ab/core work.  Specifically, Partner 1 farmer carried 2 coupons (1 coupon in each hand) across the parking lot to the end of the portico while Partner 2 did an ab exercise (flutter kicks, LBCs, Rosalitas, gas pumps).  This continued for approximately 10 minutes and then the Pax returned the coupons and came back to the big parking lot for Thang 3.

Thang 3
Pair back up with your partner.  Partner 1 gives an AYG to the end of the parking lot and then Bernie Sanders back while Partner 2 does Big Boys and then the partners switch.  This continued for 3-4 minutes and then YHC had the Pax circle up in the small parking lot for Thang 4.

Thang 4
For Thang 4, I wanted to do my favorite/most hated core exercise, the Steinl.  With only 4 minutes remaining, I had to shorten it a bit, but I still feel like it was a good finale.  If you are curious about the specifics of the Steinl, check out the “Exercises” tab on the F3 webpage, but it involves a rapid succession of regular planks, elbow planks, merkins, peter parkers, mountain climbers, parker peters, and merkins.  Good stuff.

We closed out with our numbers, names, FNG introduction (welcome Boom Boom!), announcements and a quick word from Noxeema about being cognizant of the fact that people may be going through trials/tribulations or have reasons for doing things that they aren’t comfortable sharing and so we should take that into consideration when interacting with others.  In other words, don’t judge or get caught up in why someone said or did something like chose a red car over a blue car (always choose red, L’s up) or chose skittles over runts (skittles, all day).   Everyone has a reason for what they’re doing or how they’re acting even though it may not be evident to you.  Remember that.

—  Peace out from Noxeema Jackson and Wham!

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