Backblast—Harbaugh B&M Q at Long Run Park

It was a balmy 34* at 0500. Attire for the day was Daisy Dukes or Banana Hammock… Chippendales-style.

PAX: Back Flop, Frosted Tips, Uncle Sam, Mr. Hat, and Harbaugh (Q)

After the intro and disclaimer, we circled up for a quick CoP, including Abe Vigodas, Kendra Newmans, and Toy Soldier March the length of the basketball court and back.

We moseyed to the Arena for Thang #1.


-5 BOYOs

-20 Lunges

-20 Imperial Walkers

-20 Merkins

-20 Plankjacks

—There was a mosey around the playground after each letter.

I had trouble with my counting. Perhaps my banana hammock was cutting off the circulation to my brain. But the HIMS has my back and kept pushing right on through.

Thang #2

Mary TABATA w/music

2 set/1:30 reps/:05 break

-Scissor kicks


-American hammers

-Australian snow angels

-Box cutters


Thang #3

Mr. Hat stepped in for a yoga cool down, but not before he conducted the “S” to finish out the BLIMPS with 50-something SSHs.

CoT: Announcements, intentions, Our Father.

Once again, if you haven’t made it out to Long Run, you’re missing a great workout site. Thank you for the HIMS that came out today and got better. Thank you for pushing me to be better.

God Bless,


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