BB|5.23.24|Stable|depends 2nd Annual End of School Holler Hill Q


1 Subprime
2 Boy RD
3 Beans
4 Steve-O
5 Lightfoot
6 Montezuma
7 Miranda
8 Viking
9 D-List
10 Porkchop
11 Flexseal
12 Sewanee
13 Maytag
14 Pi
15 Lumbergh
16 depends (Q)


Aladdin Vest revealed. Mosey to Holler Hill with stops along the way for warm ups and merkins on my down.

Bottom of Holler Hill. 10 no cheat merkins. Top of Holler Hill. 20 pretzel crunches or Mt. Climbers. Repeat.

One Bernie to the top of Holler Hill. Mosey back with stops along the way for some exercise and merkins on my down.

Back at Stable. Some merry and then plank tabata.



“He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing, He does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against his side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground. He cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds”

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