PB-Pelican Q Moonshiner at the Boondocks 5/23/24

When Flop goes away Pelican shall play…the role of Q in his spot. He’s on a business trip and has given me his tiny workout jeans to wear for tomorrow. Bring a coupon—we have some cardio and core on the plate in addition to the coupon work. White bread inspired me this week for theContinueContinue reading “PB-Pelican Q Moonshiner at the Boondocks 5/23/24”

PB-Pelican Q-Agony at the County 12/21/23

I have the agony Q tomorrow, site Q is living it up in the Bahamas so I made the decision to start at 6 tomorrow..wear red or blue ..we may incorporate a dream game theme. Bring a coupon if you prefer your own but planning on using them. No long distance running but we willContinueContinue reading “PB-Pelican Q-Agony at the County 12/21/23”

Jolly Rancher/Pelican Co-Q at the Loco-9/26/23

Two of F3 Louisville’s fittest PAX, I mean finest, wait I mean availablest to Q on Tuesday are teaming up together for an epic beatdown. How/why did PCI pull in both of us for one great Q? Well he’s not very good at his site Q job. He claimed to have screen shots saved whenContinueContinue reading “Jolly Rancher/Pelican Co-Q at the Loco-9/26/23”

Official PB for F3on3 Practice at the Boondocks 8/15/23

Pay no attention to Big Birds preblast. F3on3 practice is and always has been held at the Boondocks the Tuesday of tournament week. Real ballers need to be able to play anywhere and there’s no telling what rim I’m putting you on for Saturday. If you have a decent basketball bring it, if not I’llContinueContinue reading “Official PB for F3on3 Practice at the Boondocks 8/15/23”

BB-Pelican Q the Loco at the County 7/25/23

Wasn’t going to write a back-blast for this one since the chocolate challenge thing proved to be a bust and just mainly a trick to get people to care about back blasts for a month. But I found myself with some more time on hands tonight since last night Primetime told me he doesn’t wantContinueContinue reading “BB-Pelican Q the Loco at the County 7/25/23”

5/30 PB Pelican/Backflop 4 year Postiversary Q at the Loco

Get your ‘short’ work week started off right with Backflop and myself at the County. 4 years ago Alexa talked me into finally making a workout and I brought Flop along. He was Tweety Bird (I think cause he was little but not sure really)for the day. Forest Springs PAX should be more sober andContinueContinue reading “5/30 PB Pelican/Backflop 4 year Postiversary Q at the Loco”

BB-Pelican 5/18 Q at the Agony at the County

They say writing a back blast is kind of like riding a bike. No wait Big Bird said it was like a box of chocolates. No you get a box of chocolates if you write a good one, that’s what it was I’m going with that. Writing back blasts can be a challenge but whenContinueContinue reading “BB-Pelican 5/18 Q at the Agony at the County”

PB 5/18 Pelican Q the Agony at County

Leave your coupons in your trunk, garage or by the train tracks. We will roam campus together and make some stops along the way for some PT. Will be a great primer for the County Fair. Meter Maid forgot about this workout in his excitement to hype the County events today so don’t expect toContinueContinue reading “PB 5/18 Pelican Q the Agony at County”

PB-Pelican Q at the Nest 3/4/23

After last week’s debacle at the Nest we have been told we can no longer use coupons on Saturdays. Fortunately, I wasn’t planning on using them anyway. We will hit up Mt Mercy for some cardio and other stuff, hang by the playground for the pull up guys and depending on time go play burpee(less)ContinueContinue reading “PB-Pelican Q at the Nest 3/4/23”

PB-8/11/22 Pelican Q at the Moonshiner

Flight delays last week caused my Q to get pushed a week. Thanks for Holy Roller for stepping up. But it was a blessing in disguise as I assume 80% of the PAX haven’t played basketball since last F3on3. Bring your favorite ball if you have one, if not I’ll have extras. We are goingContinueContinue reading “PB-8/11/22 Pelican Q at the Moonshiner”

BB-Pelican/WILDflower/Cochran Co-Q Foundry 6/29/22

So apparently everyone at the County knows their way around the train except me. It caused a near 20 minute delay for me and messed up my Q. Because of the train I showed up in glasses and slides (not flip flops Cochran). Luckily Wildflower and Cochran knew I’d be late and were prepared. WILDflowerContinueContinue reading “BB-Pelican/WILDflower/Cochran Co-Q Foundry 6/29/22”