3/21 Veteran’s Park BO Backblast – Time to Make the Donuts

Q: Captain Insaneo (YHC)

Pax: Vincent (R), Snowball (FNG), Sunshine, Meatball, Donger (LI), Kilo, Cutlass, CI

Welp kids, sometimes you have it. Sometimes you don’t. I did not have it this morning. It happens. Combine a long day at work, a sore everything, a sour disposition, a new spot with little experience and a Q that snuck up on me with super wet, slushy snow (and an impending school cancellation) and you get a grumpy, not-feeling-it CI.

My plan was to make the Q really hard. Because that usually snaps me back. But when I saw the snow, I knew I’d have to modify some. This didn’t help my not feeling it.

Then, Cutlass got there. In style.

Cutlass ripped into the lot in his sleet gray Altima (its a modern day Cutlass) and started doing donuts. Ok. That’s good. Strong to quite strong. CI Baby time over. Thanks, Cutlass, you brought me back.

Then, seven studs – one brand new – stepped into the snow to follow me. It. Was. On. Let’s do this….

Full disclaimer as the new guy (who I mistook for Mad Cow because he drives the same truck) looked at me like I was insane.

Mosey down the road to a little deck structure that ends in a circular deck over looking a creek for…


All 20x IC


Imperial Walkers

Bluff Hikers

Merkin Waterfall – 10 Merkins, 10 sec plank, 9 Merkins, 9 sec plank…down to 1.


Donger arrives (last in, “LI”). Being the Q I couldn’t let him miss the full experience, so we went back up the ladder of Merkins. 1 merkin, 1 sec plank, 2 Merkins, 2 sec plank…. up to 10.

So 110 Merkins in the first 10 minutes of the beatdown. Did I mention I was going for hard?

Mosey back up the way and around the way to the back side of the lower baseball field. Here, there’s a steep hill, just yonder from there is a set of terraced, deep steeps. And up the way around the bend by the upper field is a set of bleachers.

In a running circuit the Pax did this:

Hill station: bear crawl up, crawl bear down, then run to terraced steps.

Terraced step station: run down a set of steps to the terraces steps, box jump up, mosey down, run up the entry steps and run to the bleachers.

Bleacher station: 5 top rail touch burpees. Basically, do a Burpee and jump tap the top rail of the bleachers. Every time you get to this station, add two more burpees.

We grouped up and started chopping wood. I got to be Cutlass’s partner. I’ve know Cutlass a long time, and he’s always been such a great guy. It was cool hearing about what he’s working on, and it’s clear he knows his stuff. Donuts and brains. Stud.

I gotta say, I really liked this set. But the precipitation was turning to slick slush, making the hill between stations treacherous. So after a few runs, YHC Omahaed.

We headed to a nearby portico with picnic tables for Dip Doras (it was on the fly, don’t give me crap).

P1: 25 dips

P2: start 100 Merkins

Flapjack till done then flapjack dips until you finish 200 LBCs, 300 squats.

We switched partners. Sunshine got me. Dude’s a beast. Woof.

We all did a metric sh@t ton of dips.

We moved the picnic tables for some Mary.

Gas pumps 20x IC

5 BOYOs (burpees work the quad (what we call the core))

Gas pumps with hands in air 15x IC (try this. It’s hard)


Da Vincent’s 15x IC

Mosey back to the flag. Fin.

COR, NOR. Welcome Snowball! Kilo EH’d Snowball, but didn’t know he’d be there today. I’m really glad he came. It ended up being a lot of fun sliding around in the snow. Snowball almost got Elsa or Kristoff because we apparently only watch children’s movies at F3 Louisville. As the Q, though, i did my Qly duty and cut that shit out. Snowball. Welcome, Snowball. Announcements included the likely rescheduling of F3 Dads due to weather. Also, Kilo mentioned the denominational ruck upcoming. Details on the calendar. Also tomorrow is Vincent’s 100th post and he’s the Q. Take your vitamins boys and hit the O for a facemelter.

I took us out with some words. Pretty much the intro to the Backblast, but quite a bit more personal. You had to be there. That said, before F3 I may have wallowed in that broth of misery for a few days and carried it around to places it didn’t belong (Read: home). With F3, though, it’s gone after a beatdown. That’s powerful. That’s more than a workout.

CI out.

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