3/31 Backblast #theHurt

11 PAX fought the Starfish this morning at the Mutt: Zima, Noxeema Jackson, Fatone, Curly, Tron, Miyagi, Tureen, Zartan, Snowman, Wham-O, Grinder(Q).  After a mosey around the building and some thorough stretching, we grabbed our coupons, split into groups, and went to work on the Starfish.  The four corners each had a different exercise: Merkins, Squats, Curls, and Overhead Presses.  The home base in the middle was reserved for LBCs.

First set – Sprint to first station, 30 reps, Mario back, 30 LBCs, then on to the next station

Second Set – We moved the stations in 10 paces, then sprint to first station, 20 reps, lunge-walk back, 20 LBCs, then on to the next station

Third Set -Sprint to first station, 10 reps, Bear crawl back, 10 LBCs, then on to the next station

Final Set – We moved the stations back out 10 paces, then sprint to first station, 50 reps, sprint back, 50 LBCs, then on to the next station

Put the coupons back, then did some Webb with Gas Pumps and DaVincis.  Noxeema said it almost killed him…the key word there being ‘almost’.  He survived as did the rest of the PAX, and although it was completely loco and our form at the end resembled more Dying Cockroach/Dying Rosalitas(?) as opposed to DaVincis, we got through it and got better.

We had about 5 minutes left, so we went around the circle and everyone called out exercises.  I actually had another thang planned, the soon-to-be-infamous Squerkin-barrel Relays, but knew we did not have enough time and it would have to wait for next week. #preview

Circled up for announcements, intentions, and giving thanks, then went on our way.  I have to say the hardest day I go to work each week is Saturday after posting, because as I’m never free for HDHH, the majority of my 2ndF comes at coffeeteria.  I hated to miss it this morning, but it was time to make the wiches.

Thanks again to all the PAX that attended.  I’m humbled by your commitment and friendship every day.  Thanks for helping me get better this morning.

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