Back Blast ” The Hurt” 5/12/18

For those who read the Pre-Blast you will recall that YHC had a golf match on Saturday so the HURT beatdown would not involve a lot of upper body exercises.  12 PAX came out on a slightly warm yet still beautiful Saturday morning, all to get better.  Sump Pump, Backdraft, Noxema Jackson, Gepetto, Wham-O, Glen Ross, Fridge, Mouth, Cool Hand Luke, Left Eye, Tureen and Q Vincent.  7AM we moseyed around the church to the main parking lot for COP warmup. Shoulder Stretch, Kendra Newmans, Moroccan Night Clubs, Grass Grabbers, Downward dog with single leg calf stretches and Cobra finished of the warm up.

Thang 1 – mosey to Mary Hill for Crazy Eights.  Top of the hill – 7 jump squats,  stop on bridge for 5 burbees, continue up the hill for a single plank Jack.  We continued back an forth until we completed 1 jump squat and 7 plank jacks, 5 burpees completed every time we crossed the bridge.   Those are some long hills to run and the process took about 30 minutes to finish.  Needless say, the PAX was breathing heavy and sweating profusely.

Thang 2 – Mosey back to parking lot for Lt. Dan Webb – 1-4 ratio of squats and scissor lunges.  Mouth did not get the Lt Dan reference until we were in the 7/28 range and we wrapped up after  full 10/40 rep count.

Thang 3 – We had to do a little core/shoulder work, so Q pulled out the speaker for a repeat performance of plank to Thuderstruck.  Hold plank through the song and do a Merkin everytime you hear the work Thunder or Thunderstruck.  4:47  and 30 merkins later we all slumped over puddles of sweat.

Final Thang – Mary joined us for DaVincent’s, Heel touches, Flutter Kicks, side to sides and finally, 5 burpees each with 5 groiners.

The PAX performed admirably and we circled up for intentions and COT.  YHC thanked the group for the support and hard work.  It is always rewarding when you get PAX members who say “that was really hard! Thanks for pushing me”.  That’s what we do – challenge each other to get better and acknowledge max effort.  All in all, it was a great morning.

And for anyone interested I won my match Saturday.  Closed it out # 16 3/2.  On to the next round, and the next POST.  SYITG, Vincent.

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