Reservior Mary T BOBB

PAX: Duece, Snowman, Digiorno, Buschhhh, BackDraft, Tron & Zartan

Conditions: a little humid but nowhere near as hot as it has been in the gloom. Left wrist computer at home so clueless on the temp. Wish there was a place I could research that.

Gearlander: Newbies, smartwool thin socks, LuLu jazzy print shorts (5 in inseam), gray Nike dryfit and black Tac Hat

Prior to 0530, thanks Buschhhhh for being my time keeper, I let the group know a few things.

1. I was a bit tired/hungover from last nights F3Soccer festivities.

2. I was looking forward to hearing feedback on the location after the beatdown

3. Most importantly that the theme for today was constant work. No standing around. No hands on knees while waiting on the 6 or hearing instructions. We would plank while I shared the next series of exercises and then we would execute. I know that we all usually strive to do this at all of the AOs but saying it out loud means you are accountable for producing. Hope I didn’t disappoint.

Disclaimer given and we were off from the back of Mary T parking lot and up Reservoir Ave towards Frankfort Ave. we jumped off in to the field and circled up for some COT

25 SSH

25 HillBillys

Downward Dog, Cobra combo and return to standing position

And a specific amount of another exercise that’s escaping my mind

Planked up while I explained Thang 1

Four Corner Escalator

4 trees in a diamond about 30ish yards apart.

Run to 1st tree and do 10 burpees

Run to 2nd tree and do 10 burpees and 20 Merkins

Run to 3rd tree and do 10 burpees and 20 Merkins and 30 LBCs

Run to 4th tree and do 10 burpees and 20 Merkins and 30 LBCs and 40 Flutters IC

This was tough. Runs could have been longer. Did More LBCs while we waited for 6.

Took off up toward Mary T herself. Lined up against the wall for 2 rounds of 60ish seconds of Wall Sits then Balls to the Wall.

Tried to encourage Keg Stand Merkins but fearing death we completed one and headed out on another mosey.

Everyone stopped and grabbed a spot at the picnic tables. We did 20 Dips and 20 Copperhead Squats then 15 each then 10 each. SSH will we waited for 6. Once everyone was done we did 10 SSH IC for good measure.

Ran back up Reservior Ave and landed at the base of the steps where we planked for next exercise.

Buschhhhh shared that the gates were open to the 3/4 mile loop around the Reservoir so we ran up all the steps and planked again while everyone took in the vast opportunity for awesomeness that was in front of us. No time today for an audible but something tells me Digiorno May incorporate this feature in his Q next week.

Explain final exercise and modified for time constraints. We did 6’s on the steps with big boy sit ups at top and Merkins at the bottom. So 1&5 2&4… you get it.

Finished with a scout run back to the flag, credit OB, and lined up on sidewalk for Mary.

15 Rosalitas IC

14 American Hammers

12 Gas Pumps

BackDraft shouted out I got one Z

We did 20 modified dying cockroaches with legs far more ventricle than usual.

Finished with 10 Big Boy sit ups.

COR, NOR and words of motivation to do the next right thing and to make an impact on someone’s life today.

I read Zoos BB, always better than mine, and noticed a ton of similarities in today’s antics. I wanted to share a few. We both referenced our shirts inseam, we both had fun Q’n today and appears the PaX enjoyed it too and we both had similar words to close COT. No coincidences.


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