BBlast “The Tank” 6/16/18

If you read my pre-blast you will recall we were going to do some core work today.  15 PAX made it to the Tank this morning including 2 FNG’s (Gangplank and Purnell) and I don’t think they were disappointed!  OJ, Kilo, Bob Ross (left the plushness of the Posh), Flounder, Tony Malito, Peek-a-boo, Cutlass, Wham, Hot Wheels, McAfee, Snow Day, Eastwood, Gangplank, Purnell and YHC Vincent hit the Core hard today.

Gear for Zoolander, a very boring black Hind running shorts, black F3 Mudgear shirt and Asics trail shoes.  Not flashy but effective.  I’ll bring out the color for Zoo’s Q at the “O” on Saturday.

COP: SSH’s, Hillbilly Walkers, Grass Grabbers, Downward Dog Calf stretch, Cobra back Stretch, Shoulder stretch and single leg Dead Lifts.

Thang 1:  Four Corners.  We ran the outside perimter of the main lot stopping at each corner for an exercise.  25 merkins, 20 jump squats, 20 Carolina dry docks and 20 groiners.   Squats while waiting for the six.

Thang 2:  Plank Circle.  Started in reverse plank,  right leg up for 10 count, left up for 10 count, side plank with hip to ground then back up – 10 on each side, move to regular plank, elbow plank and back to regular plank.  Finished on Q’s call.

Thang 3: repeat 4 corners from Thang 1.

Thang 4:  Mary!!  We moseyed to the out field of the main J-town ball field for some nicely manicured and soft grass.  I thought Bob Ross might be getting a little home sick so I had to make sure he has at least part of the post in some “Poshness”.  Not  to mention my permanently deformed tail bone from Mary set after Mary set on pavement.  Pretzel crunch right – 25, pretzel crunch left 25, heel touches 20, quick ab stretch, elbow to quad crunch, 15 right then 15 left, flutter kicks – 30 IC and Freddy Mercs to wrap.  WOOF!

Thang 5:  Burpee Web.  Burpees with plank jacks – 1/4 ration up to 40 plank jacks.

Thank 6: mosey back up to main lot to repeat Thang 1.

We did one lap for a cool down then I had to pull out the Thunderstruck challenge.  Plank to AC/DS’s Thunderstruck doing a merkin every time  Thunder/Thunderstruck is said.   The PAX was granted  reprieve as my speaker died with about a minute left in the song.  We still made it about 4 minutes and 25 or so merkins.

Circled up for announcements, nam-o-rama and intentions.  Coined Gangplank and Purnell who both hung tough for their first workout.  They will be pushing the PAX soon enough.   Shared a brief story about an uncle who served in WW11 and the greatest generation who served fearlessly and finished with a prayer and thanks to the PAX for making it out into the gloom.

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