BB: 9/08 and 9/11. Glauc Q


I have been tardy on getting the sat. 09/08 BB out.  My apologies..

First off, we had a great 3 man ruck prior to workout.  Shuttlecock, Fanny Pack and I ventured around the school for 45 minutes.. we laughed, talked, cried, gave each other encouraging heine slaps.. it was great.  In doing that, I realize how much I miss rucking.  the 2nd F is the best.  For instance, that sat. am I learned our friend fanny pack should have had a part in Narcos.  Wondering what that part would’ve been?  Well, you need to ruck with him and ask him.

Q Glauc:

PAX:  Shuttlecock, Birdie, Fanny Pack, Charlois

mosey to rear of school.

COT:  30 SSH (IC) plank stretching, hamstring hold, 25 SSH (IC), plank stretching, hamstring hold

Run around entire school back to COT area.

Thang 1

30 sec intervals:  bent over rows (with coupon) , curls  (with coupon), man makers (with coupon), elbow plank hold.  (Repeat for round 2)

Run around entire school

1 min intervals:  SSH, (10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 curls) , two coupon hold ( repeat same for round 2)

run back to front of school

Thang 3

1:4 ratio – 10:40    Merkins : Mountain Climbers  (woof)   These were hard.  They were slow mountain climbers.  Pause after 5:20,  pause after 7:28, skipped 8:32,  pause after 9:36.. Want to feel your lower abs?? try this one..

Mosey back to flag

BB: 9/11

Glauc Q

PAX:  Gilly, Gpa Bear, Charlois, Krystal, Mr. Bubbles, Birdie, Fanny Pack, Shuttlecock

Mosey to get mini coups, then moseyed with mini coups to back of school.

COT:  30 SSH (IC) Plank stretching , hamstring hold, 15 Smurf jacks, plank stretching,

Circuit work (Played two songs , 1) Brother – Needtobreathe 2) Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars)  Total about 9:30 .  Start @ beginning of portico, 3 burpees,  Bernie sanders to benches  15 dips,  lunge walk to benches, 10 incline merkins, Bernie sanders to end of portico, 5 Mexican jumping bean squats (total of area is about 100 yards)  mosey back to beginning and repeat above both songs.  (Think we got 4 to 5 rounds in)

1 min interval (legs):  squat with arm extension (with mini coups), unilateral leg squat, unilateral leg squat (other leg), squat with arm extension (min coups), calf raises (with mini coups and a 15 sec hold @ the end) , courtesy lung with upright row (with coupons)

now that our legs were shot

30 sec interval:  Merkins, LBC’s, Merkin row (R), Merkin Row (L), LBC,  Merkins, LBC, Merkin Row (R), Merkin Row (L) , big boi sit ups  * all merkin rows with mini coupons

Mosey back to put mini coups up (this was not easy)

back to the flag for a 9/11 salute and words about all the wonderful service men and women in the country.  PAX thought they were done until…..

“Beautiful Name”    Elbow Plank hold entire song, during chorus go to high plank and do a merkin on a descriptive “name” .. haven’t done this in a while.  It is still a burner… love it.


Glauc OUT!


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