Backblast – Norton Commons Black Ops 10/5


Meter Maid, Momma’s Boy, Pork Chop, Alexa, Mud Bug, Uncle Rico, Airplane, Noxeema Jackson, Cowboy, Blart, Milton, Gru, Soccer Mom, Swift, Valdez, Pew Pew, Grinder (Q)

Per the preblast, we only did five exercises on Friday: Burpees, Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Squats, and LBC’s. What the PAX didn’t know was that we were going to do those exercises over, and over, and over again for the full 45 minutes (with about 2.5 miles of mosey in between). The morning went something like this:

COP: We moseyed up the hill to the small soccer field for warm-up – 20 SSHs, Downward Dog, 20 Grass Grabbers, then warm up your arms however you want.

The Thang: Starting at the soccer field, we moseyed 2.5 miles through Norton Commons, ending back at the amphitheater.  Along the way, we stopped eight times to do the following – 5 BOYOS, 10 Merkins, 15 Flutter Kicks (IC), 20 Squats, and 25 LBCs. Form, not speed, was paramount on all exercises, and with the exception of the BOYOS and LBCs, all exercises were done in unison and counted out loud.

Upon finishing our last set on the amphitheater stage, we had two minutes left, so Momma’s Boy recommended we plank while engaging in some 2nd F. I even used the time to pick up a Q for Norton Commons for later in the month (Uncle Rico, October 19th. Be there!). Meter Maid saved the day by having his phone ready for name-o-rama (I left mine in the car up the hill…rookie!). We then circled up for COT, made our intentions and went forth to crush the day. Thanks to all the PAX who came out!

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