11/21/18 The Blender Back-Blast: THE Q JUICE IS REAL

PAX: Plumb Bob (VQ), Big Bird, Alexa, Blueprint, PED, Momma’s Boy, Geppetto, Red Roof, Glen Ross, Swisher (F3 Birmingham), Fridge, Grinder, Zartan, Buschhhhhh

So I signed up for my VQ during Q School week.  For weeks I’ve been planning this weinke.  I revised it numerous times.  I was probably way over thinking it.  (Trust me, it’s not the first time.)  I wanted to include some things I enjoy doing along with some things I don’t enjoy as much. I wanted to make it somewhat interesting and put my own spin on the workout.  I didn’t want to make it too easy for the beasts yet, I needed to be able to finish it myself.  I kept hearing about the Q Juice.  Was it real? I was going to find out.

I was a bit nervous about it. Would I call out the exercise correctly? Would I call out the cadence correctly?  Would it be too hard or easy?  On the drive across the Kennedy this morning, there was a nice orange-ish full moon beginning to set over the Knobs.  It relaxed me.  LET’S DO THIS!!

Once the PAX started to roll in at about 5:25, it looked like a decent sized group for a cold morning.  Once pleasantries and disclaimers were finished, we started with a mosey around the school.


  1. 20 SSH
  2. 20 Grass Grabbers (oops mistake #1: Yours truly started doing toe touches, but caught myself after just a couple)
  3. 20 Hillbillies
  4. Shoulder Stretches
  5. Downward Dog and Calf Stretches
  6. Cobra

THANG 1:  We split into 2 groups and each group headed to the playgrounds for 2 sets of 10 pull-ups.  I suck at pull ups so I was shocked I was able to knock them out as easily as I did. (with some assistance) Maybe there is some truth the Q Juice.

THANG 2:  We circled up for Ab-O-Rama

  1. 20 LBC
  2. 20 American Hammers
  3. 20 Heal to Heaven (an exercise I saw on the Dexicon)
  4. 20 Alternating Oblique Crunches
  5. 20 Freddie Mercuries

The Heals to Heaven were harder than I thought they would be and the form on my Oblique Crunches were probably not perfect but I was able to to finish and continue to call out the cadence.  The Q Juice was slowing.

THANG 1 (Redux): 2 more sets of 10 pull-ups. There was no way I was going to be able to finish these, right? WRONG. Give me more Q Juice!!

THANG 3: We met in the coupon garden.  This was our Thanksgiving related potion of the WO: Pot Luck and Native American Runs.  I had a small pot with 13 different exercises in it.  Group 1 drew out two exercises at random from the pot and did 20 reps of each exercise.  After completion the group did a Native American run on the track.  Group 2 started with their Native American run and followed up with their “pot luck.” (mistake #2: I didn’t tell Group 1 which way to run and we about had a head on collision in the dark). Both groups had four “servings.”

We headed back to the flags for some announcements, a surprise appearance by Pope, and intentions.

Overall I think it was a successful morning without too many mishaps.  I learned a few things but the most important thing; The Q Juice is real!!




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