The Agony Backblast 1/10/19


Weather cold clear 23 degrees.

PAX 15 – Nino, Airplane, Gizelle, Bulletin (R), Mama’s Boy, Abacus, Jolly Rancher, Fungi, Trebek (FNG), Sweet Tart, Meter Maid, Scratch n Dent, Ashley, Nice n Slow, Huggies (Q).

I wanted to incorporate some trivia questions again along with some running.  So Here goes.





15 Grass Grabbers


Arm Circles

On this day in history, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river in 49BC.  The PAX fielded a few questions from that era in history.  Our FNG Trebek was surprisingly all over those questions.  We had to do 1 burpee for a right answer and 5 burpees for a wrong answer.  We fast forwarded 1000 years to the 11th century for Robert Guiscard’s Norman conquest of southern Italy.  Great Stuff.

Mosey to get coupons

Thang 1

11’s  Merkins and Airsquats.  Run up and down the hill

20 Coupon Flutter kicks while waiting on the 6.

Thang 2


20 coupon curls, 20 coupon squats, 20 air presses, 10 man makers.  Between every exercise we ran up and down the hill again.

20 coupon American hammers while waiting on the 6.

Total mileage was around 2.5.

We put the coupons back and gave it all we had back to the flag.


Announcements – Friday Ruck, Awards Banquet – Don’t forget to vote


It was an honor to lead.  This had been a helluva week for me and was glad to get back out there.

Huggies out.


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