Backblast The Fog 1/19/2019

Backblast The Fog 1/19/2019

Weather 38 and rain

Pax: Jitterbug, PK, LadyBird, Mr Cotter, Drive-thru, Flounder-Q

Forecast 100% chance of rain for the Fog and Flounder being a warm water fish, decided to utilize the Poshy Poshness of the Poshlands Per-Poshatee Gazebo. Scrapping my 300 ladder BD was a little sad but I’ll have it ready for next time! Being in restricted space under Gazebo I decided to bring a Big Mo style Heavy WO for the Poshsters.

Thang 1- grass grabbers, Kendra Newman’s, Abe Vigota, Overhead Arm Stretch, Old Man YouTube Sciatica Stretch, Downward Dog Calf Stretch, Cobra, 1 minute elbow plank, SSH(75)

Thang 2

3 minute Tibata

10 Stations-

1. Clean and Press 75lbs Sandbag

2. Upright Row w/ 30lbs ruck weight

3. Butterfly with bands

4. Reverse Fly with bands

5. Ruck Merkens

6. Jump rope

7. Dumbbell curls

8. Overhead coupon press

9. For arm curl and reverse curl with 20 pound ruck plate

10. Coupon Curls

Thang 3- 2minute Partner Assisted BBSU, LBC after failure through remainder. American Hammers. Plank Jacks.

We learned that Jitterbugs don’t jump, so jump rope station was quite entertaining. Also that Q underestimated what 75lbs clean and press would feel like 8 stations in.

Announcements: F3 Award Banquet this Friday at Saints, Don’t forget to sign up $12 per person for appetizers and drink tickets, and vote for awards. GoRuck tough coming to Louisville June 28, GoRuck firearms training Bardstown/ New Haven Kentucky July 13 and 14th.


Prayers to Mr Cotters Father who currently battling pancreatic cancer.

Prayed for my ongoing struggle to be a more patient and caring father. Amen.

Flounder Out.

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