1/30/2019 – BackBlast – Heavy #BlackOps at #TheCounty

I knew the cold was coming but I was a bit surprised by the amount of snow that was on the ground. I just added another layer and headed out to The County.


Big Bird, Amelia, Alexa, Bulletin (R) Q

Disclaimer said, grab the coupons and a short mosey around the school for a warm up. 

Unveiled the Bulletin Board for this week. The workout was similar to last week in that there were 7 pods/stations of exercises with each pod containing 2 working exercises. This week we worked opposite muscle groups for three and half minutes then 1 minute of cardio to stay warm. and 1 burnout exercise.  

  1. Curl and Dips
  2. Chest Press and Bent over Row.
  3. Shoulder Press and Front Raise
  4. Squats and Dead lifts
  5. Calf raises and shrugs
  6. Dumbbell Swings and Elf on the Shelf
  7. Farmers Carry

We returned the coupons and circled around the Flag.

Intentions – Pray for those that are outside and dealing with the cold and Our Father.

Done. Thanks – Bulletin

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