Bridge BB 2/13 Fun and Hard

QIC: Retainer

PAX: Nice n Slow, Sweettart, Huggies, Gypsy, Iceman (R), Bob Ross, Dry Rub, Dynomite, Methane, Jitterbug, Cowboy, Viking, Maxi, Ladybird (R).

Warmed up in the COP with 20 calf raises IC, 50 SSH’s IC, 20 GG’s IC, 20 IW IC, and plank/runner stretches. Counted off in 1’s and 2’s, and started a 10 minute NA Run on a new path that I haven’t run with F3 before: directly down the road into the Parklands, over the bridge, following the Pumpkin 10K route. Stopped at a parking lot by the side, which re-connected us with the Humana graveled picnic areas for the thing.

The Thang: Field Day.

I set cones 50 meters down the pathway. Team 1 sends a PAX to race Team 2 to the cone and back. Winning team does a designated exercise. Second place team does 10 burpees. We did this about 20 times, with 15 merkins, 15 copperhead squats, 15 carolina dry docks, 25 mountain climbers, 10 jump lunges, and another 10 burpees as the “reward” for the winning team. All in good fun, injected a competitive component into the morning and kept us moving. The Thang lasted 20 minutes, and then we prepped and left for our 10 minute NA Run back to the flag.

Ended with a COM of 20 MC’s IC, 20 BBS’s IC, 10 MC’s IC, and 25 BBS’s IC.

Ended with the COT, intentions, and the Our Father.

Once again, thanks for having me out gentlemen.

Published by James

Louisville father, lawyer, and runner.

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