A Tradition Unlike Any Other – 100-1-50-1 – BoW BB 4/9/2019


Pax: Trump, Glenn Ross, Fridge, FloJo, Splash, Grinder, Tammy Faye Baker, Tronstache, Incognito (DR), Vincent (R), ValPak, Big Bird, Violet, Wham!, CI

Conditions: Per Wham!, “weather was perfect for this.” So if your local weather person ever says, “it’s 56* and clear with 96% humidity,” you may end up getting destroyed if you walk outside.

Gearlander: only thing that deserves mention is the I Want You to Party tank top that I wore to motivate the pax.

Today was a simple yet brutal workout first gifted to me last year in late March by my buddy Winnebago. You see, last year this time we were prepping for GrowRuck in Toledo, and Winny knows Cadre Danny likes to challenge participants with a WOD at some point during the Tough. That WOD is often 100 burpees, 1 mile, 50 burpees, 1 mile in 32 minutes or less.

So being the idiot I am, I set this up as my Q last year on April 12, 2018; just a few days before GrowRuck (ahem, Star Lords who skipped today). And I told everyone in my Preblast that we’d do it. But what no one knew last year is that the other Tuesday AO – the Rooster – was being Q’d by Zoolander and he planned to surprise all the overflow skipping my set with THE EXACT SAME THING! Brilliant.

So a lot of us did this last year. And it was hard. But you knew you did something that day. So it was good.

As this year progressed guys started asking when we’d re-run it. My response was usually “freed to lead” or some other shit. But then over the weekend I concussed myself changing smoke detector batteries and decided we’d run this today. I was transparent, and I disclosed it in a preblast. I immediately caught guff, which is fine. And then Mad Cow texted me saying how funny it would be if Deuce ran the same thing at the Rooster today. Never shy to steal a good idea, I texted Deuce implying it would be “cruel” to run the same set. He immediately shot back that he’d already sent his preblast and he was, in fact, running this WOD at the Rooster. Boom!

What you may not know, dear reader, is that we’ve added a third Tuesday AO: the Loco at the County. My guy, Pork Chop, Q’d there today. And in the spirit of F3Louisville and its shenanigans, he ditched his weinke for this set, as well! He put it on Slack last night so no one could say they weren’t warned. Double boom!

It. Was. On.

The chatter at the flag this morning was nervous, jittery and funny. Most workouts are done without knowledge of what’s about to happen. There’s something about knowing you’re going to crush yourself with a crazy workout that makes it seem a bit harder. Knowing that, I gave the disclaimer and off we went.

Before crushing souls, we did a little COP that consisted of 15 slow grass grabbers, some downward dog, Achilles stretches, cobra stretch, Kendra Newmans, 15 Imperial walkers, 15 slow grass grabbers, some downward dog, Achilles stretches, cobra stretch. I wanted everyone warm for the set, which commenced immediately after.

100 burpees, 1 mile, 50 burpees, 1 mile.

Everyone finished. And we eventually made it back to the flag. There we did COR, NOR and COT. Lots of announcements including Convergence on 4/20 along with a 0530 preruck, Bible Study, Star Course this Friday (and Angel’s in Disguise). Check slack. I reminded everyone that like this workout and like today’s AOs, there really isn’t any place to hide in your life. Accordingly, it’s best to attack it and do your best. We all walked away from the flag ready to the attack the day and do our best.

We’ll run this again next April. I fully expect all 6 Tuesday AOs to run it, too.

CI out.

Post Script: I saw Glenn Ross at the coffee shop this morning. He said, and I agree, that a workout like this makes you feel awesome all day long. We then lamented how slow we’ve gotten at burpees. Miyagi told us how he loves burpees. He then reminded us that’s he’s 25. So much for feeling awesome all day.

Tclaps to Double Down for crushing this today, as well! This HIM just came back and did this set. Of course, he may be hawking Slack a little closer from now on.

Here’s a shot of Tron’s stache. Sorry not sorry.

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