4.26.19 Pleasantville at Wisteria BB

So I’m sitting here in my car, in the rain, following a Fungi beat down at PV. You see I have to make time to get this BB out before he gets his out. Reason being: he is a HIM that always seems to be “on top of it” and I have no doubt you will see his Back Blast before lunchtime. My apologies to all the men that made it out with me last Friday for getting this out late.

Last week was similar to this morning weather-wise as there was a pretty steady rain at 0515. On the way to the WO, while in a clown car with Fungi and LePew, I mentioned considering modifying my wienke due to the conditions. I had told them that I had been to a few workouts before and even Q’d once where the rain would stop just in time for the workout to begin making me think that the Sky Q must be a fan. As we pulled into PV and made our approach to the spot, wouldn’t you know it? The rain stopped. I love little miracles! A good showing of PAX even with the uncertain weather.

PAX: Grinder, Mama’s Boy, Fergie, LePew, Fungi, Jolly Rancher, Meyer Maid, BigBird(QIC)

Quick mosey around the loop and ended under the amphitheater for

COP: SSH 20 IC, Abe Vagodas 15IC, Grass Grabbers 15IC, Quad Stretch, Bat Wings 10 IC each direction, pigeon Stretch

Tabata 1: Jump lunges

Tabata 2: Shoulder taps

The Thang: For the next 12 minutes we would do an AMRAP- Mosey from the bottom of the amphitheater to the top. First round though would be a bear crawl. Once at the top we would do 10 reps of each exercise on each step


Box Jumps

Incline Merkins

Monkey Humpers


Air Squats


Calf Raises

One thing I love is when I see PAX partnering up on their own and pushing each other. This would be the case as Fergie and LePew got together and crushed the workout, each pushing the other to go harder.

We would finish off under the amphitheater with the song 100% Pure Love by Crystal Waters. We would do Burpees for the song and Plank Jacks for the chorus.

Feeling spent, we moseyed to the Flag for COT

Announcements: Grinder asked that we talk up PV to the PAX and work on getting guys from different AO’s to show up consistently. Talked about the AOlympics and getting guys to sign up.

Intentions for Rocky as he continues to get better.

Message: “Everyone has room to get better at something.” Whether it’s ourselves or reaching out to those who need what we all have been given, we are all working on becoming the best version of ourselves.

Ended with an Our Father

By the way, following the workout, as we returned back from PV in the clown car, a light sprinkle turned into a heavy down pour! Thank you Sky Q!

Until next time…


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