7/20/19 – Ruiner at the O

Pax (10): Sand Trap, Cutlass, Curry, Tron, Flo Jo, Gillespie, Liberace, Violet, Jeter, Fergie (Q)

Weather: Hot. Damn Hot.

Airplane asked that I cover his Q the evening prior. With family in town Friday evening, I knew time to plan would be limited. But, I’ve Q’d at the O far more than any other location, so I felt good I would be able to come up with something on short notice. Upon arriving at 630, I knew I would need to be a l would need to be flexible. I had: 6 coupons, a new tractor tire (maybe it belongs to F3, maybe it doesn’t), volleyball nets littering the fields, and a park jam packed with folks getting their outdoor time in before the real heat set in.

So. We started with a lap around ~3/4 of the track, with stops for SSH, plank jacks and squat jacks. Already a nice sweat. We detoured over to the hill for some 13s. That is, start at the top of the first hill with 5 Imperial Squat walkers, run to the bottom for 3 burpees, then top of the other hill for 5 imperial squat walkers. Repeat hitting the same at the top or bottom. The plan was this for 13 minutes, though we may have cut that a bit short. We regrouped, then moseyed to the cooler for a water break.

After a short break to get some water and cool down, we moseyed to the basketball court for a Dora (50 merkins, 100 squats and 150 air presses). After a failed joke to add 200 burpees to the set, we did a short 4 corners of various exercises. We moseyed back to the tennis courts for around 10 minutes of mary. I couldn’t find a way to work that tire into the routine, but there is always tomorrow.

Another bottle of water. COR, NOR and COT, and off to find some AC.

Thanks to the Pax for coming out on such a hot morning.

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