1.2.21 BB-The Nest at The County-BigBird Q

I love the prospect of a new year. All the potential and possibilities. The ability to leave one year behind and start over fresh to work on the best possible version of oneself. 2020 was an interesting year. Just like you, I could have a lot to complain about. But also just like you, I don’t have to look too hard to find a lot of positives through it all. And if we can find positives out of what’s proved to be a pretty arduous year, then the future of 2021 looks pretty bright. I couldn’t think of a better way to leave the old behind and start the new out on the right foot than laying a smack down to a group of fine men on a beautiful, crisp Saturday morning.

PAX: Asian Zing (R), Jerry McGuire (R), Plumb Bob, Cratchit, Jolly Rancher, Pelican, BigBird(Q).

0701 and we would get our start. Jolly Rancher, Cratchit and Bulletin (R) went on a pre Nest ruck and Cratchit forgot the flags. He had to rush home to get them and came back in hot. We allowed for the extra minute. Disclaimer was given and we went on probably the shortest mosey in F3 history. Jerry McGuire mumbled that he didn’t like the way this was starting as there was sure to be more running in store. He was partly correct…

COP: SSH, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Slow Grass Grabbers, Michael Phelps

Mosey to the Playhouse where we YHC announced we were doing Jack Webb of Box Jumps/Step Ups and Dips. Well, The City of Pewee Valley had done some remodeling and the once 2 ft wall turned into four. A lot can change when you take a year off…The gripes, groans and comments told me I had to quickly modify. We went around the corner where we found a much more suitable option.

Next we would mosey to the Midway where I had cones set up for sprints. I informed the PAX that part of my recovery was being put on a sprinting protocol. It was a step in the process needed to get better. Isn’t that what we are all doing? Doing something challenging and getting after it in a journey to get better. We would sprint 20×3, 40×2, 60×2, 80×2 and 100×2.

Mosey to the lot behind the chapel for a 15 minute EMOM. 5 burpees + 15 Squats. For those math wiz types, that’s 75 burpees and 225 squats. WOOF boys!

Finally, we would mosey to where we started, at the flags for Super 21’s: 1 Merkin, 1 Big Boy-2 Merkins, 2 Big Boys-3 Merkins, 3 Big Boys, etc. until we got to 21. We took a break at 9 for 21 Monkey Humpers and a break at 13 for 21 Plank Jacks. We would only get to 15 before time was called but that still turned out to be 120 reps of each. WOOF boys!

Circled up for COR, NOR & COT. Made some announcements and said some intentions. Thanked the PAX for making it out with me. It’s certainly been a journey and I’m glad I get the opportunity to be back ITG getting after it with you men!

Until next time…


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