5.23.24 Back Blast: The Agony @ The County

First thing’s first; The Back Blast: It’s something that has always been near and dear to my heart and I love to see that it’s making a comeback! There are guys out there (you know who you are) who get it out shortly after the day’s beatdown had taken place. T-Claps to you guys, job well done and keep up the good work! I wouldn’t say that I’ve gotten lazy but I’ll go with that since everything else is just an excuse. I have some makeup to do for the month of May so Imma work my backwards starting with today’s beatdown at The County.

I love taking the Q no matter where I’m at. It gives me an excuse to flex my creative brain muscles. It ensures that I’ll be traveling, both to be reunited with my friends and to make new friends along the way. It gives me that dose of Q juice, guaranteeing that I’m at prime mental clarity for the remainder of the day. That said, there’s nothing quite like taking the Q at your home AO. Guys throwing shade, professing judgement and grumbling over….welp, pretty much everything. That’s the love that you get from your boys. In a strange way, it’s like a hug. And…rolling out of bed and getting to the AO in 5 minutes ain’t a bad thing either. Since it’s been so long since I’ve had the Q here, I wanted to let the boys know I haven’t lost my touch and could still bring the heat. 11 other dudes weren’t skeered and showed up to see what your Bird had under his wing.

The PAX: AutoZone (R), Double Down(R), Little Jerry (R), Nat Geo (R), McStuffins, Abacus, Double Pump, WILDflower, Valdez, One Star, Pumpkin Spice & BigBird (Q).

Crew was peculiarly quiet with anticipation of what was to follow, allowing me to provide the disclaimer and do a quick Count o Rama right on time.

Off we would go for a mosey with our coupons to the gym. Dropped our coupons so that we could finish a warm up mosey around the campus. Circled up at our startex for the day where the wienke was written out in pink chalk. Double Pump’s curiosity was peaked when he saw “BDE Burpee.” We would all later agree that the acronym (if not already) should stand for Big “D” Energy. Got in some COP not just to get loose but to get the heart pumping and the sweat dripping. SSH, Copperhead Squats, quad stretch, Toy Soldiers, Mountain Climbers, Runners Stretch and into pigeon, and finished us off with plank jacks. Recover with a quick pace mosey around the islands in the parking lot.

More to get loose although pretty sure we’re there now: Time to get down to business. While the song of my choice played, we would 5 Burpee, 10 Merkin and 15 Squat with a R/R until the song was over. Valdez loved the auto tunes, and Pumpkin’s confident that your Bird jumps around like Richard Simmons in Jazzercise style while I’m at home, in front of the mirror, wearing spandex. Recover and prepare for….

The Thang: 5 BDE Burpees, run a lap. 5 BDE Burpees, 10 Thrusters, run a lap. 5 BDE Burpees, 10 Thrusters, 15 Kettle Bell Swings, run a lap. 5 BDE Burpees, 10 Thrusters, 15 Kettle Bell Swings, 20 Skull Krushers, run a lap. Rinse and Repeat. The Spice Index was high today as Pumpkin shred his shirt early on and absolutely crushed this workout, making it through almost two entire rounds!! One Star was fast on his heels! And Abacus…well, I’m always amazed that he puts in the same level of work as everyone else but can carry on a conversation in a conversational manner…not sucking wind, not even appearing to be the least bit out of breath. Maybe that’s what happens when you get to be 47.18 years old.

0611 and time to head back to the flag. We did a few of Double Down’s favorite Mary core workouts and closed us out with a slow 10 count hollow body hold before time was called.

Circled up for COR (to make sure we ended with the same number we started with), NOR and COT. Made some announcements and offered up our intentions. Auto Zone reminded us to take care of our bodies and that it is never too soon to secure a team of specialists for when the unknown arises.

It felt good to be home and I’m honred to have been in the company of men that make me better and who made the decision to smash the alarm clock to get out and do something tough. Thanks boys!

Until next time…


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