5.16.24 Back Blast: The Big KaPOWski @ Bayside

The last time I had the Q at Bayside was January 11th. I felt pretty good about the playlist I had put together that would compliment my wienke. However, as Mothball and I were putting in work next to each other, he had some words to say about a few of the songs. We joked around about it and I told him the next time I had the Q he could provide the playlist. I hadn’t forgotten about that and two days before 5/16’s workout I DM’d him on Slack at 0500 and asked, 1) if he was planning to post on Thursday and 2) I’d need a list of about 10 songs from him. Now, how crazy is this next part: 25 minutes later I show up to The Loco @ The County for a One Star beatdown and here strolls in Mothball!! Arm in a sling from a recent torn bicep surgery, he had shown up to support a FNG that he brought out (would later be named Boiled Peanuts). I told him it was nuts that I just messaged him a bit ago and here he was! I went on to provide a bit more context to my message. He said he’d put some good thought to it as he took off for a ruck around The County. 45 minutes later, right before COT he says, “how about Australian Country?” What??? You threw shade at my playlist, had 45 minutes to “think” about a playlist of your own and you come up with Australian Country?? It was either a joke on me, a joke on the Bayside boys or (and apologies Mothball if this is the case) maybe he really is a lover of down under country tunes. Oh well, you threw it out…and so it shall be.

I show up to Bayside with 15 other high impact men, provide the disclaimer and tell the boys that this playlist (found by searching up Australian Country on Apple Music) was thought up by one of their own. As it turned out, the music was not horrible. I can’t say that I’ll be recycling it anytime soon but it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard.

The PAX: Charolais (R), Texas Twinkie (R), Shuttlecock (R), Borland (R), Ruby (R), Tight Lips (R) Slide Rule, Birdie, Firing Pin, Slugger, Cattle Chips, Little Foot, Uncle Louis, Jesco, Hightower & BigBird (Q).

Grabbed up our coupons and did a warmup mosey to the front of the school. Dropped them there to be used later and finished our mosey around the parking lot. Circled up for the COP stuff to stretch out and get loose. Next, we got down to business with a R&R of 5 burpees, 10 merkins and 15 squats for the duration of the song that was played. Recover mosey back to the front of the school to be reunited with our coupons for…

The Thang: In a figure eight style best explained by what Ruby said, “kind of like an 8…but different,” we would rifle carry our coupons up through the middle, drop coupons and run to one side of the lot to do merkins and jump lunges, run back to our coupons, rifle carry them back down the middle, drop em and run to the other side of the lot for Carolina Dry Docks and jump squats, run back to our coupons and R & R the process to get in as many rounds as possible.

Getting real close to time so we wrangled us all up together and circled up real quick to get in a couple of BBSUs to put the cherry on top. Circled up for COR, NOR & COT. Made some announcements and lifted up our intentions before going out with The Lord’s prayer.

Bayside’s seen a steady uptick of dudes out there lately getting a good mix of regulars, new guys and guys coming back after a hiatus. Average has been about 15 on their Tuesdays/Thursdays and you can definitely feel the love and support shared amongst the fellas. It was great seeing Hightower and Shuttlecock back out and YHC was honored to make me some new friends with guys I hadn’t yet met (Jesco, Tight Lips and Texas Twinkie). It was a phenomenal morning going from dark into light and even better putting in work with my boys. Never once do I regret making the trip and always appreciate the moments of reflection the ride home offers. Thanks fellas for being out with me on this day and I look forward to seeing you all again soon!

Until next time…


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