BackBlast Bag of Wrenches 2-13 at the O

QIC: Stormtrooper

16 PAX: Ant Man, Goodman, OJ, Scratch, Bean Counter, Mayberry, Butcher, Cutlass, Santana, Wham!, Pope, Gillespie, Jordie, Captain Insaneo, Vincent (respect), Stormtrooper.

16 PAX showed up despite the bland preblast and of course, Pope was sleeveless. A cool 27 degrees and no sleeves. He said he heard there was going to be running so he dressed appropriately. My Wenkie may have slightly changed from my original plan after hearing this.

We started with a disclaimer that I am by no means a professional and to adjust as needed, and a jog around the “small” loop into the tennis courts for some warm ups:

20 Side Straddle Hops, in cadence

10 Imperial Walkers, in cadence

10 4 count Mericans, in cadence

1 minute of high planks (with a pep talk for the upcoming beatdown) remembering that iron sharpens iron.

15 4 count Mountain Climbers, in cadence.

Wenkie: Stormtrooper explained what was to happen, most likely confusing everyone including himself.

1 lap, 50 squats in the courts

2 laps, 50 squats in the courts

3 laps, 50 step ups in front of the bathrooms

4 laps, 50 step ups in front of the bathrooms

Those that finished early took an extra lap and helped encourage the rear of the PAX.

Then they were treated to a round of Fire Drills (everyone circled up and took turns yelling “FIRE”. At which point everyone dropped, rolled right, did a Merican, rolled left, did a Merican, stood back up and ran in place until the next “FIRE” call.

I was informed after the beatdown that we covered 4.2 miles this morning!

Good work to all the PAX that showed up and I thank all who participated for allowing me to lead the workout!

Stay strong boys!

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