6/1 Black Ops BB: Norton Commons

@Grinder put the word out that he wanted a co-Q for NC today and I jumped at the chance to get back in the Q-pit with this HIM.

At 5:30 sharp, seven PAX were present; Old Bay, Steerage, Huggies, Big Bird, Glen Ross, Grinder (coQ) and Zima (coQ).

We started off with a mosey to loosen up before circling up.  Grinder took us through a thorough joint greaser; SSH’s, Grass Grabbers, DiGornios, Downward Dog stretch, and maybe one more thang.  After that, we headed back around the circle and around the trails for a Native American run turned prison run until we finally arrive back at the amphitheater.

Now it was time for the Ruckus and I explained the WO while Grinder queued up some proper tunes from Wu-Tang.  For those of you who’ve never been to NC, please join us as it is a veritable playground for sweat seeking HIMS.  The amphitheater alone offers multiple options for a Q to bring the noise, but today we were only focused on the eight 18″-24″ stone steps that make up the seats.  Overview; eight rows with a small patch of comfy grass in between.  We would climb our way to the top one exercise at a time with a few burpees in between and then come back down.  One pax referred to it as a “stairway to hell”.    All exercises were performed on a step.

Step 1: 10 decline merkins + 5 burpees

Step 2: 20 box jumps + 5 burpees

Step 3: 30 one legged dips + 5 burpees

Step 4: 40 incline merkins + 5 burpees

Step 5: 50 step-up with jumps (25 each leg) + 5 burpees

Step 6: 60 overhand V-Ups + 5 burpees

Step 7: 70 lateral step ups (35 each leg) + 5 burpees

Step 8: 80 tow touches to the top of the wall (no soccer balls here) + 5 burpees

Running out of time and O2, we modified to half of the reps, but kept the 5 burpees on the way down.  My apologies to Grinder for completely neglecting to yield any additional time.  Nonetheless, I think we all #gotbetter.  Intentions were given and another glorious Friday was in the books.

Published by f3zima

1 beer = 1.5 miles running

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