Back Blast 6/12 Bag Of Wrenches

7 PAX in attendance: Wham, Snowman, Donger, Tin Cup, Swifty, Loco, Grinder (Q)

After a quick jog through the tennis courts, we did our warm-ups: 20 SSH (IC), 20 Abe Vigoda’s (IC), Downward Dog, Runner’s Stretch, 20 GG (IC), Michael Phelps

Staying on the tennis courts, we did a Native American Inchworm, with each PAX doing Leapfrog Burpees to the front of the line.  As each HIM reached the front, the rest would switch their type of Plank, cycling through Elbow Planks, Arm Planks, Right Hand-only Planks and Left-Hand-only Planks.

We then moseyed to the playground, paired up, and each group did a circuit around the equipment: 15 Climbing Merkins, 15 Pull-ups, 15 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins, and 15 Swing Leg Presses.  We repeated this circuit twice.

We then moseyed back to the tennis courts for a Starfish circuit with 10 Jump Thrusts in the center, and 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Boyos, 10 Plank Jacks, and 10 Merkins at the four corners, respectively.  Again, we repeated this circuit twice.

Lastly, we finished up with some Mary: 25 LBS (IC), 25 Flutter Kicks (IC), 25 Gas Pumps (IC), 25 American Hammers (IC), 25 V-ups, and then did some Alphabet.

Circled up, learned some more about Loco(6), made intentions, then gave thanks.

I really enjoyed the time that I got to spend getting to know Donger, Swifty, and Loco and loved seeing Tin Cup back out there.  Wham and Snowman, you already know I love you guys.  As always, I was humbled by everyone’s presence and thankful for the opportunity to get better with this group of HIMs.

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