Backblast 6/14 #Agony #The County

Well my VQ came and went but not without some bumps.  Epic fail when I left the shovel flag at home…on Flag Day no less…I’m surprised I wasn’t crucified for that one but the PAX were surprisingly gentle.  I was certainly nervous about giving a good workout and I was feeling juiced.



– Side Straddle hops x 50

– Grass Grabbers x 11

– Abe Vigodas x 11

– Arm Circles

-BOYO x 5

I believe some Merkins were thrown in as well

Mosey Around Church

Bataan Death March-only got own round in of the Burpee/Indian Run.  Will certainly modify for next time to increase the intensity.

Johnny Cash- Merkins x20, Mountain Climbers x20, Squat Jumps x20

Guantanomo 1 round

PAX1- Pallette Pushers PAX2-Planks/LBC.  3 rounds.  These were pretty brutal.

Deconstructed Burpees- 10 Squats, 10 Leg thrusts, 10 merkins, 10 leg thrusts, Up) Then 9 of each, 8 each then ran out of time and circled up for Mary

-LBC, Flutter Kicks, Big boy situps.



Meter Maid, Aerobie (R) ,Valdez, Big Bird, Abicus, Cochran, Double Down (R), Iceman (R), Mama’s boy, Irsey, Airplane, Porkchop (Q)


Ended with intentions.  Prayers for Pope and Abicus’ family.  Read a quote from Marcus Aurelius Meditations:

“Concentrate every minute like a Roman— like a man— on doing what’s in front of you with precise and genuine seriousness, tenderly, willingly, with justice. And on freeing yourself from all other distractions. Yes, you can— if you do everything as if it were the last thing you were doing in your life, and stop being aimless, stop letting your emotions override what your mind tells you, stop being hypocritical, self-centered , irritable. “


Thanks for hanging with me guys.


PS  I am apparently a HC for Tuesday at St Al’s since I need to return the Shovel Flag.  Looking forward to Iceman’s Revenge.

PPS I love the palettes and there will be more to come!  Muhaha!


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