McAfee blends up the Mutt – Back Blast – 8.8.18

After a brutal Iron PAX workout yesterday, the Mutt crew might have thought this morning was going to be a little easier. One Mutter even decided to take to social media about their prediction for this morning:


With this expectation, I was pumped to bring some of the Posh pain to the Holy Trinity gang.

Conditions were wet this morning with some light mist here and there. The parking lot was a little slick so we had to make some modifications, but we were still going to work.

When I arrived, OJ and Zima were in their cars waiting for the others to arrive. After a few minutes, we had a few more. Glen Ross and Fridge came via bicycles and PED ran from his house (approximately 5 miles away). At 5:30 I was ready to go but asked if we expected anymore because I know these Mutt guys like to roll in at the last minute to avoid SSH or any other moseying. Needless to say, nobody else showed and we were off.

PAX: Zima, OJ, Glen Ross, Fridge, Old Bay, Cowbell, PED, Juicy, McAfee (Q)

COP: We ran around the parking lot all the way back to the Coupon area where we gathered for exercises.


20 Hillbilly Walkers IC

20 Copperhead Squats IC

From there, we gathered some coupons and headed to the parking lot.


Since we had 9 people we had to modify some, and we broke into groups of three. We did a variation of Nolan Richardson. I did this last week at North Posh and was still hearing about it, so I thought I would bring it to the Mutt.

Partner 1: Bernie Sanders approximately 50 yards, perform 5 Bobby Hurleys and then run back.

Partner 2: Holds plank position until relieved by Partner 1

Partner 3: Performs exercise until the total count is reached. Move to the next exercise when one is completed (similar to DORA 1,2,3) Wait until relieve by Partner 2


150 Burpees

300 Coupon Curls

150 Thrusters with Coupons

300 SSH

150 Hand Release Merkins

300 Flutter Kicks hold coupon overhead

We had just enough time to complete all of the exercises and head back to the flags.

I know I give the Mutt guys a hard time because they never come out to the Posh to visit us, but it’s only because I miss them and want to see them more. This is a great group of guys and I enjoyed leading them today, but I wish more of them would come out to see me when I visit.

We had several prayer requests and all will be praying for OJ’s friend who is hopefully healed and moving forward. YHC lead a prayer for each of us to continue to be the light in a dark world and be His hands and feet wherever we are lead.

-McAfee Out

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