BackBlast 12.18.2018 @ The Rooster

QIC:  Escort

12 PAX at The Mutt this morning:  Wham-O, Deuce, Sump Pump, Pepperoni, Miyagi, Blueprint, Tiger, Plumb Bob, Gepetto, Windshield, Digiorno, and Escort.

Started with warm-up:  Grass Grabbers, Abe Vigotas, Hillbillies, SSH’s, and some leg and arm stretches, then we got down to business.

Nothing starts the day better than finishing a couple of six packs before work.  Pull-ups and Merkins made up this six pack, then we rounded the HT property on the jogging path to do it all over again.

After that we paired up and alternated suicides and leg exercises (wall squats, calf raises, lunges, and prisoner squats).  Then we headed down to the prayer garden for some coupon work:  coupon merkins, curls, thrusters, and rows.  We finished up with Mary for some ab work.

While we were on our six at Mary, Sump Pump pointed out the big dipper in the clear sky overhead.  Then I looked around me and saw steam rising from everyone’s bodies in the circle.  I had one of those moments that I often have at F3… thankful,  inspired, and glad that I got out of bed to be with this group of great men.

Ended with the COT, prayers, and intentions.



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