Backblast BlackOps @ Bayside 12/18/18

Pax: Charolais (R), Birdie, Fanny Pack, Sadie, Thumbtack, Shuttlecock (Q)

25 Side Shuttle Hops (IC)
Plank stretching
20 Side Shuttle Hops (IC)
Hamstring stretching
Shoulder/arm stretching
20 Merkins (SC)

After COP, mosy to pick up coupons and head to parking lot

Thang 1: 123 Dora (run 100 yards out, 100 yards back while partner does exercise)

50 Burpees

100 Coupon Swings

150 Bobby Hurlys

Thang 2: 123 Dora (run 50 yards out, 50 yards back while partner does exercise)

50 Tri-cep presses with coupons

100 Military presses with coupons

150 Curls with coupons

Finished with a little Mary.  Max elbow plank:  Everyone starts in elbow plank, and goes as long as they can.  Once they tap out, they do LBCs until the last person taps out of elbow plank.  Fanny Pack led the way this morning with the longest plank hold.  Not sure how long, but it felt like an eternity.

Closed with count-o-rama, name-o-rama, prayers and intentions.

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