BB Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County

We had 5 show up early for a 3 mile run around the county loop. Big Bird would have made 6 but got stuck behind a train. We had some good discussions about the good old days when Costco had more samples and supreme pizza. All runners stuck around for the Thing except for AbacusContinueContinue reading “BB Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County”

PreBlast Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County

Pacing and timing are not my strengths so plan for a Tabata style work-out to keep things on schedule. Bring a coupon or grab one on site. If you’re looking for some Sandlot miles, 5:00 am pre-run is a possibility. COP The Thing Tabata #1 (4 exercises, 3 sets, 30 seconds on, 15 second rest)ContinueContinue reading “PreBlast Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County”

Backblast – Loco @ The County – McStuffins VQ 9/19/2023

I apologize for the lack of a pre blast. I am still getting the hang of F3 and slowly figuring things out. It was my VQ and started off with a pre-workout run at 5:00 am with PCI, Kitty Litter, Davito and I getting a few miles in. I did the run to get someContinueContinue reading “Backblast – Loco @ The County – McStuffins VQ 9/19/2023”