Drumroll please…. I made an FNG spill today


My brother (Drumroll– FNG) gave me two awesome gifts for my 40th.  A surprise trip to Tampa for some horrible fishing and great beer, and his first post to an F3 workout.  I am not sure which meant more.   Ryan has supported me through this year, always listening to my stories about F3, and not rolling his eyes like many who wonder what type of cult F3 is (debatable).  He has his own thing going, and though I have asked him time and time again, he hasn’t posted until now.  I have to admit, I get it.

He is no sad clown, in great shape, and has a great group of friends.  I wanted him to post for ME, not for himself.  And he did this morning.  He came for me.  I am not sure if he will come back, but if he does, guys, F3 will benefit in a way you haven’t seen.  He’s a born leader, smart, funny as hell, and a great friend to many.  My fingers are crossed, and he knows the invitation is open.  If you know Drumroll, please, remind him about that invite.

NOTE: I first named Ryan ‘Puddles’ (which he can explain sometime), but after we found out that it’s already been taken by Iceman’s boy, I called an audible and named him Drumroll.  When Drumroll gets excited, he has a stutter, which he always says it’s a drumroll for the important shit he’s about to say.

When I got to La Posh, I noticed him right away (you can’t miss the Miranda Construction shirt on a 6’3″ HIM).  It made my day, and it was only 5:30am.  Then I discovered we had two more FNGs!  And some old friends like Face and Captain Insane-O!  Happy 40th to me!  Time for a bday beat down!

PAX: 29 HIMS: Star Child (Q), Face, Captain Insane-O, Mr. Hat, Forced Close, Shuttlecock, Glauc, Yogi, Drumroll (FNG), Jitterbug, Scratch and Dent, Gypsy, Ashley, Little Jerry, Flounder, Thumbtack, Bobross, Backdraft, Fanny Pack, Maxi, Sadie, Double Down, retainer, Side Show (FNG), Dynomite, Meter Maid, Crab Legs (FNG), Boozer, Methane.


  • 40 SSH (Zoo, that was your chance)
  • Plank until all 5 Core Principles have been called out.  10 merkins for each that’s incorrect
  • 40 Crab Jacks
  • 40 Imperial Walkers
  • 40 Carolina Dry Docks

The Thang

Since I turned 40 yesterday, 40 was our lucky number.  So we head out to the Egg Lawn, which has 42 light posts.  Rounding down, that’s perfect.

  • In three groups (due to size of PAX), we ran to each light post for an exercise.  Starting with one, then two at the next, then three, and so on.   We stopped at ten light posts to switch to the next exercise and repeat the progression.
    1. Star Child Squat Jumps (Squat, jump, hand flare out, and yell “I’m a STAR!”)
    2. LBCs
    3. Burpees (this is where Side Show (FNG) hugged a tree to SPILL MERLOT! What  a nice compliment.  Honestly, tclaps to him for not giving up.  I kinda thought he should have, but he got back on the saddle with Founders help.  Thanks Flounder!)
    4. Praying merkins (In cadence count, you start at plank, lean back like your butt is going to touch your heels, then return to plank for a merkin.  Knees don’t touch the ground)


We circled back for 4 minutes of mary…  20 flutter kicks IC, and 20 American Hammers.  That’s kinda like 40.  Then we were spent.


Circled around the flag for any announcements.

  • Glaucoma is working on a challenge to visit other AOs soon.  Maybe including a T Shirt for those who accomplish the task.  He is looking for sponsors for the shirts so reach out if you are interested.
  • Today is the beginning of the 200 BBSU solidarity challenge in thoughts for Team Vince!

We ended with a quick prayer.  I have been extremely blessed with amazing friends and family.  So I just told the Sky Q THANKS!  I hope he hears me, because I am very grateful.


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