The Silo Back Blast – 7.30.18

After a long day on the lake yesterday, I woke up this morning feeling quite sore. My back was already aching even before I got to the Gloom, so I was a little worried that I would not be able to deliver the level of beatdown that I hoped to.

As I pulled up the hill to the Silo, I saw several guys already congregating around the flag, which was exciting since it was only 5:20 AM in the morning. As I got out and started welcoming the guys as they came in, I told those who were there already to start with some light stretching because I knew we were going to be pressed for time. As the PAX were stretching, more and more guys kept rolling in. We usually have 6-8 PAx, maybe 10 on a good day, and we had already exceeded that number which gave me some extra energy to ensure that the workout would be worth it for all.

At 5:28 AM I was looking around for the Kilo clown car. Kilo had sent me a text saying he was coming with 2-3 other guys and I had not heard him yet. Just as I said something, hear he comes rolling into the parking lot with a minute to spare. As they joined the group, I moved everyone to the parking lot to start with some COP before we hit the main thang. As we started to circle up, Kilo tried to jump the wall and his weak little legs (after a week off from F3) could not quite make the jump and he fell and busted up his leg. Once he regained his strength and his pride he joined the group and we began the workout.

PAX – Starchild, Catfish, Wham!, Forced Close, Tony Malito, Gypsy, Weedwacker, PK, Huggies, Hot Wheels, Tool Time, Jitterbug, Viking, Cowboy, Woody, Little Jerry, Double Down, Kilo, Bob Ross, Valdez, Nino, McAfee (Q)



20 Abe Vigodas IC

10 Hand Release Merkins


We left the parking lot and ran down the hill along the road, all the way down to the parking lot near the kayak entrance (.5 miles or so).

Once we got to the parking lot, we partnered up for the main workout which consisted of:

Partner 1 does AMRAP of the following exercises until relieved: (DORA 1,2,3 style)

150 Burpees

300 Squats

150 Big Boy Sit-ups

300 Shoulder Presses

150 Hand-Release Merkins

300 LBCs

Partner 2: Bernie Sanders for roughly 50 yards, completes 5 Bobby Hurleys, and the runs back to their partner to relieve them

Most groups were able to complete the entire circuit before sprinting back up the hill to the flag.

As the PAX made their way back to the flag we planked and waited for the 6. Once everyone got back, we circled around the flag and ended with COT. I really enjoy the North Posh atmosphere because it is meant to be one of the hardest things we will face throughout the week and it helps get my mind right for whatever may come in the upcoming week. I thanked the PAX for showing up this morning and starting off their week with me. I said a few inspiring words and we lifted up several prayers to one another and to the Sky Q.

Stay strong and press on PAX!

-McAfee out!


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