9-20-18 Backblast- The Big Kapowski- Bayside

It was a great morning for a good ole fashion beat down. Temperature was perfect and we had a solid group out to get better.

PAX: Sadie (Q), Glaucoma, Charolaus(R), Krystal, Shuttlecock(R), Fannypack(R), Bannana Bread, Mr. Bubbles, Sparky, Grandpabear, Birdie, Brown

5:30 sharp- mosey to courtyard for COP.

30 Abe Vigotas

30 grass grabbers

30 imperial walkers

30 kettle bell squats

30 hillbillies

Plank stretch left/right

Move against the back wall to finish with 30 dips.  Mosey to get coupons and circle up in back parking lot.

Thang 1: 1 minute AMRAP 15 second break between each:

Coupon Curls

Coupon Overhead Press

Coupon Row

Coupon Chest Press

LBC’s with Coupon

Coupon Curls

Mosey around parking lot and back to coupons.

Thang 2: 1 minute AMRAP 15 second break between each:

Elbow plank hold


Right plank hold


Left Plank Hold


Mosey around the parking lot and back to coupons.

Partner Up for Mary. 1 minute AMRAP 15 second break between each:

Ace and Gary’s


Ace and Gary’s

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to flag for COT. Announcements, name o rama. Intentions were shared and we went to the Lord in prayer and lifted up the spoken intentions we heard and asked to be with those unspoken intentions on the hearts of the PAX as well.

I am thankful for this group and I am reminded of it even more when I have  the honor to Q and lead a group of outstanding men.

Until next time!


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