B.B. 9/22 TheRuiner: St.X vs. Trinity Pride Week

Well StX/Trinity pride week has officially started with the 1st Annual Pride Week Beatdown. Nugget captained for the Rocks and Methane for the Tigers. We gave the disclaimer to 28 PAX, divided up the teams and each team headed out to strategerize and COP.


Nugget Co-Q

Methane Co-Q



Red Roof


Scuba Steve



Noxeema Jackson



Double Down

Forced Close

Hot Wheels




Pork chop



Captain Insane-o

Daddy’s Girl

Mama’s Boy


Glen Ross

Chyna (FNG)

Cutler (FNG)


Tigers warmed up with SSH, Abe Vigotas, Mountain Climbers and then circle Merkins where everyone holds plank and one by one you state your name, F3 name and year graduated from StX (or other school). The Rocks warmed up with fanny slaps and tickle fights.

We then joined up for the thing(s)

Thing 1:

Divided into teams of 3. P1 started at one end of the field and P2 at the other. P3 started with P1 and ran to relieve P2. As a team they had to do 200 Merkins at 1 end and 200 squats at the other. Then 200 LBCs and 200 Mountain Climbers. When one P relieved the other a Bropee was executed. The groups ended with bear crawling to the middle. I’d give this one to the Rocks.

Then Methane took over.

Thing 2:

Baseball was Methane’s thing so we divided into 2 teams of Rocks and 2 teams of Tigers. Each team started on a base. 1st did AMRAP American Hammers; 2nd did AMRAP Merkins; 3rd did AMRAP Gas Pumps. Home plate led the exercise. They did 10 Merkins and then ran to 1st. 1st went to 2nd and so on. We went through once and called it a draw.

Thing 3:

Same 4 teams lined up for relays. Each person would bear crawl out about 25 Yards do 10 Star Child jumps and bear crawl back. The Tigers took this one.

Thing 4&5&6

Tug of war was dominated by the Tigers. Kudos to Cutlass for dominating this event. Then we did resist a runners with the exercise bands and finished Tigers vs Rocks relays.

We closed out the workout with burpee Football. Finally a football game the Tigers can win!


We ended with prayers to the SkyQ and those we love and Nugget took us out with thoughts and prayers.

Thank you all for working out and continuing to inspire myself and others.

Meth out!

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