Extender Backblast – 11.15.2018

Q: Deuce

PAX (6): Left Eye, Miyagi, Zima, Hamm, Wham-O and Deuce

When I saw the forecast for ice and rain the night before, I sent my preblast in the hopes that if it was just cold and rainy, PAX would not be deterred from venturing out.  Got up early and I didn’t think it was too bad out until I had to back track and take an alternate route to the Mutt due to about a 70 foot tree lying across the road in my neighborhood.  At that point, I thought that if there was at least one more person who was foolish enough to show up, I was going to be happy.

Pulled onto the Mutt grounds, and Hamm and Zima were there so I was already playing with house money.  Weather was chilly, with some rain and some branches falling from the sky, but otherwise just dandy.   Every now and again there was the depressing sound of another transformer blowing out.

Disclaimer given and we’re off.  Started with a mosey around the neighborhood to survey the damage and stopping a few times for something else to keep warm – Copperhead squats (15 – IC), Imperial Walkers (20 – IC), merkins (15).

Get back to campus and circle up for the first thing.  A circle burp.  PAX get in a circle and hold plank.  first person does a burpee, then back to plank, then next person does a burpee, and so on, holding plank unless it was your turn to burpee.  We went around and around many times.

Next, grab some icy coupons and head to the portico for some AMRAP.  We would do three exercises at about a minute each and then run a lap around the school, staying together the whole time.

Set 1 – Curls, Squats with the coupon, LBCs.  During the lap, 3 burpees at every corner.

Set 2 – Rows, Lunges with the coupon, V ups.  During the lap, 5 merkins at each corner.

Set 3 – Thrusters, Bobby Hurleys and big boys.  During the lap, 3 burpees at every corner.

Next we had time for a brief merkin timebomb.  Start at 7 and work our way around and down.

Just about 2 minutes left after the time bomb, so a little Mary.  Only enough time for a couple – American Hammers, Flutter kicks.

Return the coupons and head to the flag.

Announcements – November Ruck is Friday, check slack and/or contact Abacus.  Miyagi is looking for some more to HC for a Black Friday ruck.

Intentions given and a brief prayer thanking the Sky Q for all that we have and pray for those in need this holiday season.



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