1/23 Blender @ The Mutt Back-Blast

So as I said in my Pre-Blast I picked up Blueprint’s Q so he didn’t have to Q two out of three days.  He took the bitter cold day on Monday and I took the rainy Wednesday.  The forecast was predicting rain so I planned my weinke thinking we would get wet regardless if we laid on the asphalt or not.  It actually didn’t rain too much so I possibly could have spared the guys and not laid down but… NAH.

PAX: Plumb Bob (Q), Geppetto, Zima, Glen Ross, Fridge, Snowman, Chiklis, Sherpa, Messy

Weather: 47°, wet conditions, light rain

Attire: Three layers up top, shorts and tights down low, all covered in rain gear.  I came prepared.


Downward Dog (I got the gloves wet right away), Cobra, Shoulder and arm stretches, 15 slow Grass Grabbers, 50 SSH and then a mosey around the school and then grabbed some coupons.

There were 5 stations in a line down the large parking lot.  Station 1 was at the end of the parking lot nearest the coupon garden.  Station 2 even with the school building.  Station 3 was even with the start of the portico.  Station 4 was at the end of the portico. Station 5 was even with the far side of the building.

THANG 1-20 reps at each station with overhead coupon carry to each station.

  1. Curls
  2. Bench Press (we got our backs wet)
  3. Coupon Swings
  4. Rows
  5. Overhead Press
  6. Return to Station 4 for Rows
  7. Station 3 for Coupon Swings
  8. Station 2 Bench Press
  9. Station 1 Curls

THANG 2-20 reps at each station with carioca to each station.

  1. Squats
  2. Monkey Humpers
  3. Mountain Climbers
  4. Squat Jacks
  5. Lunges
  6. – 9. Repeat like THANG 1

THANG 3-20 reps at each station with Bernie Sanders to each station.

  1. Big Boys
  2. American Hammers
  3. V-Ups
  4. Pretzel Crunch
  5. Rosalitas
  6. – 9. Repeat like THANG 1 and 2

THANG 4-Merkin Time Bomb

THANG 5-We quickly partnered up.  Partner 1 would do 10 pull ups on the jungle gym while Partner 2 did BOYOS, then switch. REPEAT.  After the second go-round it was only 6:14 and I didn’t want to cheat the PAX and cut the workout short so we finished out and knocked out some more BOYOS until the clock read 6:15.

We circled up for Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, announcements, and a quick shout out to the Sky Q.

I want to thank the guys for coming out on a crappy morning to come out and get better.  It is truly an honor to be able to be a part of this group and have the opportunity to lead.


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