BB for 1/25/19 Black Ops @ Seneca

PAX: @FloJo, @ScubaSteve, @PewPew (Q), @Facade (FNG)

Weather: 11 degrees with 5 degree wind chill.

Disclaimer given; FNG welcomed. And we’re off…

Warm up: Arm circles, 15 SSH, 15 grass-grabbers, Plank up with alternating calf-stretches, rotating arm stretches pointing to the sky for something that resembled a yoga pose. Note: when looking skyward, one couldn’t help but notice the brightness of the moon, and the perfectly visible Big Dipper. And magically it wasn’t cold any longer.

Prep for The Thang: 1/4 mile run around SW portion of the loop to boost heart rate, grab coupons, and a few more stretches: 15 single count squats, 15 single count, bent over lateral arm raises to engage the back chain muscles, and 15 HillBilly’s in cadence.

Thang: P1 does Manmakers while P2 runs 1/4 mile, then swap until the partners achieve a total of 48 MMS. A couple of ten counts and then repeat the process–only this time with coupon curls. I think we ended up with about four 1/4 mile runs each.

Circle up for Mary:

Jack Webb with 1:4 ratio of big boy sit-ups to arm raises, in cadence, 15 flutter kicks in cadence, 15 single count Supermans, and 15 of something else I can’t recall.

CoT and FNG Chris Fultz is anointed his F3 moniker, “Facade” due to his passion for architecture and CAD drawing. Finally we’re reminded of how cool it is to share F3 amongst co-workers for the double dose of energy that we bring into the office.

Alas, TGIF! The end.

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