The Extender BB – 6/27/19

It was throw back Thursday as I ran this weinke about a year ago.  I did that for two reasons – my brain wasn’t working well and so I didn’t want to strain it with coming up with a new weinke and I remember this one being hard.

Weather was warm and humid.  I missed cooler temps and not humid all of a sudden this morning.

Gear: green UA shorts, First Tee t-shirt, Brooks running shoes. simple but comfortable.

PAX: 11  – Tureen, Backdraft, Captain Insane-O, Face, Blueprint, Wham-O, Glen Ross, Larry Flynt, Pepperoni, Windshield, Deuce

Mosey around the walking path, and everyone grab a coupon and head up to the main parking lot for COP:

SSH – 15 IC


Grass grabbers 15 – IC


Imperial Walkers 15- IC

Count off and then partner up.

Thing 1

5 Merkin catch me if you can around the neighborhood.  Start near the portico, with partner 1 doing 5 merkins, while partner 2 takes off running.  Once partner 1 was done with his merkins, he had to sprint to catch up to partner 2, who would stop and do 5 merkins when caught.  Repeat around the neighborhood – down Leland, stop and St. Matthews Ave for 10 deconstructed burpees, then onto St. Matthews, left on Brookfield until returning to the parking lot.

Thing 2

Keeping the same partners, start near the overhang on the school.

Starting at that line, P1 did curls while P2 bear crawls to the middle line in the parking lot and back and then switching with P1.  Total of 200 curls.

After curls, the 200s repeated but this time with merkins while the other partner lunge walks to the line and back all until 200 total merkins attained.

After merkins it was one partner doing coupon rows while the other partner broad jumps to the line and back alternating until 200 rows achieved

Final 200 being one partner doing overhead press while other partner lunge walks to the line and back.

We had just a few minutes left after everyone completed this, and grab the coupons and return them, and circle up in the the coupon garden for some Mary.

Rosalitas – 20 IC

15 big boys

Freddie Mercuries – 20 IC

7 Catalina winemakers

Gas pumps – 20 IC

COR, NOR, COT – intentions given, short prayer, and we were out.


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